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Guys, I'm feeling so much better. Bless up! Studies are harder than ever though rip.

It's alright though because during the while I was kinda on a mini hiatus from wattpad, I learned a lot about life and myself such as who am I? What is my purpose? You know that deep level thinking, etc.

But, I also thought about where I wanted to take this book, and if the direction I was originally going to take it represented my own values, and who I am as a person.

I was so bent on making you guys happy, that I didn't realize I write for me. I write because it is a medium for me to express myself and be happy.

So, what is the purpose of this super long winded note?


Just to avoid hate comments in the future, I just want to say, this book is not your typical novel. If you thought the themes before were dark with Arham, well now we're going on a roller coaster for the next 20 or so chapters.

I have finally come up with a plan  for where I want to lead this book.

A lot is going to happen.

This is near the halfway point of the novel where we have come to find out a lot of secrets but...there are still many many more to uncover.

I just am writing this just so I won't be given  hate in the future.

Important things you should know before continuing on:

1. This is a book with Pakistani characters, but that doesn't mean there will ONLY be Muslim characters. This next part shows good and bad sides of both Muslims/Pakistanis and people that aren't Muslim.

2.  This book is not an Islamic book. There will be some things that you may or may not agree with and that is perfectly fine. I will not tolerate any hatred towards any religion or lack thereof, whether it be Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. We are all one and from the same. Let us be civil.

3.  There are going to be  lots of plot twists.


I will most likely update very soon yeyeye :D its been so long since i was acc excited for this book EEEK

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