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Oki. Su rn I'm on a little bit of a role -tho I just lost.. yay we won agin ^^-.

See, I haven't been doing so well in tha game..

I actually didn't get to legitemitaly play for two+ weeks.. Which likely wasn't helping my Splatoonin' skills..

Wen I finally got to play, it wus a busy day (yesturday) and at getting home ma helped the boys sort out tha school supplies we had shopped 4 (supply list for hs hasn't been released yet I guess, or it'll be like each teachr 'll lettuce us kno wat we'll need for such class, so donut have mine yet).

Anywei, I couldn't focus rly while playing, w/ distraction goin in I guess. I was told to wait till later while others sleep to plai.
..... I uh, tbh honest got all sad bout it :') .. idk

But then I did do that.

So when I did go back to play I was playing way better than earlier, as I uh, ranked down to B+.. It happied me to rank back up to A-.

I played more today -lek just now, but was told to stop (Splatoon gaim time over~ for today-) in a more focused, concentrated, environment. I played with more posotivity too it seemed ^^

My current rank (9:40 pm :41, 8/18/2016) is A- 94

(now is Aug 20)

so I guess this will uh b meh ranking history: --plus update of 2day and yesturday I think--
(pls forgive meh if it bores you~)

- All while sticking to the Aerospray RG, (this wus b4 update with PG) I managed to make it all the way to A+
- But, it wasn't rly fair when I think about it..
- I was like last place on the winning team most times, and while I seemed 2 shou some improvement as I progressed (like getting splatted a few less times and splattin' othrs a few more times), I think I was more like the 'guinea pig' who stayed on the tower getting splatted the most while the others defended mostly
- I should have focused more on skill, imo, tho it felt nice to rank up and was fun to do so, looking back I think it wasn't totally a fair way of ranking up~
- soon after that I ranked back down to A then A-
- then for a while now have been struggling with eht and also been back and forth between ranks A-, A, and A+ sometimes I think. Mostly A rank.
- and the struggle is real with ranking

(- then the stuff I said at the beginning of this chapteh~
- then today)

- I left off, yesterday in tha high part of A-, since night before yesterday I went down 2 rank B+ and back up 2 maybe halfway A-
-today I was somehow able to get up 2 A rank!
-  it, um, appears that I've gotten a boost of motivation and positivity, as well as have gotten back into the swing of things with gameplay ^-^
(looks like I had to get all sad before I could get all happy again! [? :])

- my current rank is A 56 or 60 (I think)
- now, today anywei, I haven't been able to go higher than A 70 ish

-guess that mean I still gotta improve!-

- but ya know, I was in my level 30s wen I somehow got to A+ back then
- I was so close to S.. then I start 2 rank down a loh

- but yea! now/this time I plan to rank up more 'fairly'!

Oki, sorry for that I just kinda wanted to document it ~~~

Su g'night ya'll!

(Also, my phone was kinda taken up -tho, ahem, that doesn't  rly happen- quite due to the fact that I used it probably too often and would also stay up usin' it.. so in a moment it was taken taken up & I was told I couldn't use it. Then the same day we went with dad where I apparently got to use it, after a while it ran out of charge and I didn't get to charge it till later, a bit later that day, ma picked us up and in the nighttime took it up again, then I found the location the next day when she was home, she told me either way I still wasn't allowed 2 use eht, I wus like ya I kno just lettin you know I knew [t'was under a pillow, I wouldn't have suspected something so fluffy and unsuspicious, I guess lol,]
I only got to use it during a few intervals earlier today and fewer yesturday, technically still taken up
[I did use it for listening to, beautiful/nice/calm mostly, music on speaker thingies but that was some of the most usage I got]
Today tho I think I can use it, now

We is at dad's agin~
I finished writting this at dad's
And had started at mom's before it was taken up~ lel)

Sorry for all my boring/uninteresting explanations and documentations.
Oki bye!

( media - random squidies moving along~ )

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