Apology cookies

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***We were still in the first capture the flag game********

"Everyone! Get to your positions!" Chiron said.

"Okay. Will, Ginny, Issabelle, Henry, Ryan, Quin, sue, Gracie, Joey, and Gavin will stay here. The rest of us will go look for the flag." Annabeth said.

"Okay!" Everyone said.

I went into my place. I didn't think it was fair to have like seventy against one but Nico was powerful so I guess we had to...

Nico shadow traveled out of the tree. I jumped in front of him, blocking our flag. He reached for it and Gavin grabbed him and pulled him back. I looked at nico. He was scared, trying to run.

I couldn't tell if he was trying to get to the flag or not. He turned, looking for something. He had tears streaming down his face.

"I'll take him." I said. Gavin nodded, grateful.

I sat down, not really holding on to Nico. He sat down too and cried into my shirt. I didn't mind. A group was gathering. I didn't care about that either. All that mattered was making him feel better.

"It's okay Nico. Your okay. No one is going to hurt you. The bullies can't come to camp. I told Chiron about them. They can't come back. They can't hurt you. Your okay." I said.

"I'm sorry...I just panicked! I didn't know who was holding me and...and..."Nico cried.

"It's okay, Nico, I understand. I understand."

"Can I go back to the infirmary? Please?" He said.

"Yeah. Go ahead. I'll meet you there once we restart and finish capture the flag."


I watched him run off, into the general direction of the infirmary.

"Are you guys dating?" Asked Percy.


"Your GAY?" Asked drew.

"Do you have a problem with that?" I stood up, and stepped towards her.

"No?" She said, scared. I win. IN YOUR FACE DREW!

"I SHIP IT!I SHIP IT!I SHIP IT!" Piper and Jason squealed.


"What happened?" Asked Chiron, trotting into view.

"Nico went all crazy on us, that's what happened." Drew said, smirking.

"No. He panicked. You don't know what he went through. And if you EVER insult him again..." I left the last part off, so she could just wonder what I would do. She stepped down. I win again.

"I see. Do we need to start a new round?"

"Yes." Said Annabeth.

"Okay." Chiron announced the teams. This was going to be difficult...Percy and Annabeth were on the other team together...

~~~~~~~~~after capture the flag~~~~~~~~~~~

We lost. It only took 3 minutes and 24 seconds for them to win. If Nico were playing, and was on my side...I laughed, thinking about how badly we would beat them.

"Who won?" Nico asked, when I got to the infirmary.

"The other team." I paused "if you were on our team, we would have beat them badly."

"I'm sorry Will...I shouldn't have abandoned you there..."

"It's okay Nico. I understand."

He looked relieved.

"Wanna apology cookie?"

"I will take a Sally Jackson cookie." I smiled, eating the cookie. "But not an apology cookie."

"What is her recipe?!" Nico asked, also eating one.

"A good one." I said.

"No, A great one."

"An amazing one!"



"The best in the world!"

"The best in the solar system!"

"The best in the universe!"

"Fine you win..." I gave up, knowing Nico could go on forever.

"I knew it! I am a bigger fan of Sally jackson's cookies!" He said, grinning happily. I love Nicos grin.  I sighed, knowing I had lost.

"Hey Will?"

"Yeah Nico?"

"How many days have I stayed here?"

Oh. I forgot he wanted to leave at first.

"Ummm...you already had your three days but then Octavian hurt you and...oh" I frowned.

"What?" He asked.

"Today is your last day..."

He frowned, too. "Oh."

We sat in silence for a while.

"Do you want to go do something?" I asked

"Like what?"


"Umm I don't know how to play..." Nico blushed.

"Okay...what about sandcastle building?"

"I could try, I guess..."

"Let's go!"

Hiding away in the strawberry fieldsWhere stories live. Discover now