CHAPTER 2: New, Invisible Place

Start from the beginning

“Well I’m flattered.” Mikel's voice pretentious. His wife smiling.

Kaddie wiped her mouth and changed the subject a little. “Speaking of experiences, I’ve done a lot of research about your new school. I think we should go there soon to see if we can get you registered, and a tour of the place.”

“Sounds fine to me, a tour is what I need.”

“Great then, I’ll call them tomorrow. See if it’s okay to come by sometime soon.”

Mikel's shoulders rowed backwards a few times, in an odd sense. He then shifted in his chair. His movement clearly read that something was on his mind. He’d always get like this when the new school was mentioned.

“This new school thing still hasn’t settled with me. I don’t understand why she’d go to a regular school instead of one for the blind.” Mikel grunted.

“Those non-existent buildings? Well, almost... But that's not common anymore. She wants to do something spontaneous, and I say we let her." Kaddie took a quick sip on her glass of water. "She'll be fine. Besides, don’t you want her to make new friends and hangout? Possibly meet a nice guy to sweep her off her feet and become a boyfriend.” She hinted the last part to Cassie. 

“Boyfriend!?” dad shouted. He took a drink from his cup now, as well.

“Oh mom…” Cassie muttered. 

Cassie knew how the topic troubled her father. Did Kaddie not know what she'd started?

“I completely oppose this school thing now. I’m getting far too old to worry about chasing off boyfriends and whatnot.” Mikel freaked out.

“Honey, you’re only in your thirties, and Cassie’s a wise enough girl to pick some honorable guys.” Kaddie tried to reason.

Mikel sat there, silently, in a daze. Not daring to let go of his cup. He looked down, unfocused on a particular sight. Thinking and sipping another sip, a coping mechanism for the moment. Every thought on the matter was being replaced by the Cola, and drowned out with a swallow. 

Cassie laughed in the silence. She knew her father oh to well, and that the silence meant he was over-thinking. She ate another bite, and lifted her head. Now, attempting to relax him.

“Oh dad… you’ll always be my number one guy!” She smiled and filled her spoon. “And besides, I’m not going to school for a boyfriend. I’m too self-sufficient for a guy anyway. Aside from all that, who’d go out their way to date a blind girl any who?” The spoonful eaten now.

“Cassie! I hate to hear you talk like that.” Kaddie stopped eating and got upset. “You’re beautiful both in and out, and that was just a crazy thing to say.”

“More like one of the most foolish things she’s said.” Mikel added, putting the cup down.

“Oh, it was just a bad joke. I realize that came out wrong.” Sighing at their comments, Cassie tried shutting them up.

Cassie had thought this many times before, but she didn't mean to say it allowed. A slip of a private thought. She knew how awesome she was, she just feared "the one" would take too long to realize it. She imagined that this would especially go for the boys of high school.

Mikel grunted and stood, taking his plate up. He walked around the table collecting the rest,as well. After putting the dishes in the sink, he groaned saying, “If they don’t accept you, then screw them. They’re missing out. I personally think you’re too good for anyone anyway, and certainly the third best looking female this world knows.”He leaned against the sink, arms folded, heated in the discussion. 

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