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The story will be written in Third Person now, so I've been going back to make those changes. Chapter 1 was complete, but I'm going to change Cassie's personality in chapter one eventually. So the story will open differently when I rewrite it.

As of now, I don't want to keep wasting time going back and editing. I should finish writing the story first. So, I'm working to improve on that. Future chapters my be a little more messy, but I'll do my best.

I've decided that I'm going to publish this book eventually, so it'll all be right in the end. ^u^


I'll be giving you all an update for Valentine's Day, and from there I hope to post the story at least once a month. I know that's not a lot, but it's more than I post now. >.<

I'm working on another story as of now, and if you'd like to see writing from me, more often, maybe check it out. It's on my page, and it's an Adventure story. Dystopia and utopia setting, and I plan for it to be a Trilogy. 

Thanks so much for your support, regardless on which story your reading, and especially thanks for your patience. I hope to see you all again soon! 

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