• Chapter Eleven •

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*Senior Year*

Savannah stared at Nat sleeping next to her peacefully and she smiled. She loved when they made love, she never felt closer to him when they were connected in such an intimate way. "You know," Nat said, with his eyes still closed, which caused Savannah to jump a little at the sound of his voice. "When you stare at me like that it just makes me want to make love to you again." He teased and Savannah giggled as Nathan slowly opened his eyes to grin at her and she couldn't help but grin back.

  "I'm sorry, you just look so peaceful and at ease while you sleep." She admitted nervously and Nat chuckled as he leaned over and kissed her gently.

  "I love you, Savannah." He sighed tiredly and Savannah smiled as she rolled her eyes.

  "I love you too, now hurry up and get dressed or else you'll be late for practice. I don't want your Dad to get mad at me for making you late... again." She teased and he laughed as he stretched, trying to wake himself up then climbed out of the bed.

  "Yeah, you're right." He said as he started to get redressed and Savannah closed her eyes, as she suddenly became tired. "You tired already?" Nat teased and Savannah shrugged, but continued to keep her eyes closed.

  "Well, I only slept for like twenty minutes after we did it. So, I'm still exhausted." She teased and Nathan chuckled again as he shook his head and grabbed his gym bag.

  "But you're always tired lately, Sav. Kinda like how Emma was when-"
  "Don't." Savannah said quickly cutting him off. The room fell silent as the tension in the air seemed to rise. "Don't bring that up ever. I'm not pregnant. I'm on birth control. I'm just tired." She admitted as she kept her eyes closed, trying not to think of sophomore year when Emma lost her baby.

  "I'm sorry. I know you're not, it just came out baby. I'm sorry." He whispered as he sat down on the bed and rubbed her back soothingly.

  "I know, it's okay." She sighed and opened her eyes to stare at him. He leaned down and kissed her, but that kiss turned very passionate and causing Savannah to moan into the kiss. She slowly pushed him away and took in a ragged breath. "Go to practice, I'll see you later." She whispered and Nat nodded then leaned back down to give her another deep, passionate kiss then pulled away and jumped off the bed.

  "I love you, I'll text you as soon as I get outta practice." He whispered as Savannah slowly drifted off to sleep and then left.

Savannah woke up to the sound of someone entering the house from downstairs and she sighed tiredly as she rubbed her eyes. "Savannah, are you here?" Emma called and Savannah gasped as she jumped out of the bed and threw on one of her sweaters, not caring if she was only wearing her bra underneath. She grabbed her jeans and tried to quickly pull them on but wasn't quick enough because Emma opened the door causing her to freeze. Emma stared at her in surprise and then she looked confused. Emma looked at the messed up bed and noticed that both of Savannah's pillows had indents of someone laying on them and she slowly started to realize what happened here. "You had sex?" She scoffed and Savannah looked down, clearly ashamed and felt bad that she broke her promise to her best friend.

  "It just happened, Emm... I love him..." Savannah trailed off nervously and slowly met Emma's gaze. Emma folded her arms tightly against her chest angrily as she shook her head.

  "Get dressed, we're getting you a pregnancy test." Emma said as she turned her around to leave.

  "Emma, I'm not pregnant-"

  "It's better," She turned around cutting Savannah off. "To be safe than sorry." She sighed and then left the room. Savannah shook her head and rubbed her forehead tiredly.

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