• Chapter Three •

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      Savannah laid on the examining table in the ultrasound technicians office with Nat sitting by her side and they stared at the screen eagerly. "You're baby is perfectly healthy and is right on schedule for five months." Dr. Martinez said with a smile on his face and Savannah let out a sigh of relief as Nat squeezed her hand gently.
"Can we know the sex yet?" Nat asked quickly and Savannah giggled as she rolled her eyes at him.
"Hmm, it's up to you both." He said and Savannah and Nat looked at each other questioningly. After a few seconds, Savannah grinned and Nat chuckled and looked up at Dr. Martinez.
"We want to know." He said sternly and Savannah grasped Nat's hand tightly as she looked at the monitor excitedly. Dr. Martinez chuckled softly as he zoomed in and smiled.
"Well..." He said slowly and Savannah bit her lip nervously. "It looks like you're having a little girl!" He exclaimed and Savannah's smiled couldn't get any bigger as tears swelled up in her eyes. Nat stared at the monitor in disbelief and he took in a slow deep breath. Their baby officially has gender, she's an actual human being, she's actually real, Nat thought as he continued to stare at the monitor in awe.
  "That's our Diana, Nathan." Savannah whispered softly as a tear escaped her eye and she turned to look at Nat who was still in shock. "Nathan?" Savannah asked softly and he looked down at her slowly. "What's wrong, baby?" She asked nervously as she placed her hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it soothingly with her thumb.
  "I'm fine my love, I just can't believe we're actually having Diana. It's not a question whether we're having a girl or a boy anymore, we're having a girl. We're having a daughter." He said with a huge grin on his face and Savannah smiled widely at him as she nodded her head.
  "I know, she's actually real. She's now an official person." She whispered and he nodded his head as he leaned down and kissed her gently.
      Savannah stared out the window with a huge smile on her glowing face and Nat drove the car with the same smile on his face. "Diana Nicole Walker, I like it." Nathan said softly and Savannah nodded as she turned her head to look at him.
  "I do too, I just can't wait until she gets here and I can't wait to see you go play for Miami." She sighed happily and Nat smirked over at her and took in a slow breath.
  "I really hope I get to play, that would let my girls and I live comfortably and not worry about money." He admitted as he stared out the windshield trying to focus on the road. Savannah placed her hand on his shoulder and stroked it soothingly with her thumb.
  "We'll be fine no matter what happens Nat. Don't worry, just make Diana and I proud by doing what you do best. Which is playing basketball and making all of us proud." She said sternly and Nat glanced at her quickly and started to believe her.
      Nathan pulled into Savannah's driveway and smiled over at her as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "What are you smiling at?" She asked with a small giggle and his smile seemed to get wider.
  "I'm just so happy to be with you and Diana." He admitted softly as he reached over and placed his hand on her stomach carrying their daughter. Savannah blushed as she grinned at him and placed her hand on top of his.
  "I'm happy too Nathan," She looked down at the time on his car radio and sighed a bit sadly. "You got basketball practice in twenty minutes at the school, you need to get going or else you're going to be late." She said and started unbuckling her seatbelt. Nathan stared at her and took in a deep breath slowly.
"I'm coming over right after practice." Nat said and she looked up at him surprised.
"You always go home and relax." She said confused and Nat smiled at her.
"I'd rather relax here with my real family and where your parents are nice to me and show that they care for me." He admitted and Savannah leaned over to kiss his cheek.
"I love you Nat, you're always welcome here." She said sternly and Nat smiled at her.
"I love you too, Savannah. I'll be back soon." He whispered and she nodded as she finally exited the car then headed inside.
      Savannah's parents waited eagerly in the living room to find out the sex of their grandchild and they jumped at the sound of the front door opening then closing. "Savannah!" Her Mom, Catherine, squealed excitedly as she jogged over to Savannah with her Dad, Robert, following close behind her. "What're we having?" She demanded and Savannah grinned at both of them as she pulled out the envelope carrying her ultrasound. She handed the envelope over to them and Catherine quickly opened it. She suddenly let out a scream, making Savannah and Robert jump.
  "What is she having, Cathy?" Robert asked impatiently with a huge smile on his face and Catherine covered her mouth as tears began to swell in her eyes and she handed over the envelope to him. Catherine then reached out to Savannah and embraced her in a tight hug.
  "My baby." She muttered softly as she rubbed her back soothingly and they rocked back and forth slowly which made Savannah start to tear up.
  "I'm gonna have another little girl!" Robert exclaimed and they both giggled as they released each other and looked at him. "You're going to be a wonderful mom, Savannah." Robert admitted and Savannah bit her lip as more tears escaped her eyes. Her Father was finally starting to support her and her daughter and that made her happy.
  "Thank you, Daddy." She sobbed softly and hugged him tightly then she buried her face in his shoulder as he held her tightly.
  "I love you and my little princess of a granddaughter." He said softly and Savannah grinned as she held on to him with all her might.

*A/N: Sorry for the long wait but here's chapter 3.! I hope you all enjoy and thank you so much for reading my book, love yous.! ~Ariel 💘😘*

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