• Chapter Four •

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Three Months Later

      Savannah stood on her porch on a warm May evening and Nat stood in front of her with a big smile on his face. Savannah started to slowly smile back and she raised her eyebrow as she looked up at him questioningly. "What're you smiling about?" She teased and he just continued to smile down at her. "You should get going or else you're going to be late for your game, baby." She said softly and Nat nodded his head but continued to grin.
"Let me just kiss you," He leaned down and kissed her slowly and sweetly for a minute then he pulled away and got down on one knee. "And kiss my daughter goodbye." He teased and planted a kiss on her stomach. Savannah giggled as she rolled her eyes and then looked back down at him. He was suddenly holding a tiny box and Savannah's eyes widened as she gasped and backed up. He chuckled as he reached out and grabbed her hand as Savannah began to cry.
"Nathan, what are you doing?" She gasped and he grinned up at her.
"I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world. You are my everything and without you I am nothing. You have been my first for a lot of things, you're my first girlfriend, my first love, you are the first and only girl I've ever made love to," He chuckled and Savannah giggled as she wiped away her tears and shook her head in disbelief. "You're the first girl and only woman that's going to have my child! You are my home and I know we're young, but I don't care. And seeing you right now, with your dark blonde curly hair, wearing that beautiful yellow sun dress that brings out the green in your hazel eyes, the way the heat makes your cheeks flush, and how you're glowing and looking so breathtakingly mesmerizing while carrying our daughter; makes me want to spend the rest of my life with you and our beautiful child, and maybe other children we'll have later on in the future. Savannah Nicole McAllister, will you please marry me?" He asked with a huge grin on his face as he opened the ring box containing a beautiful ring covered in diamonds on a silver band. Savannah took in a ragged breath as she nodded her head quickly.
"Yes," She croaked out as Nathan slid the ring on her fourth finger on her left hand. "I will marry you, Nathan." She sobbed and Nathan jumped up quickly as he embraced her in a tight hug without crushing their daughter. Nathan pulled away after a few moments and brushed away her tears as Savannah giggled and he leaned down and kissed her with all the passion and love he has for Savannah.
      Savannah's Mom, Catherine, opened the door and they pulled away from each other quickly and Catherine smiled at them. "I'm guessing she said yes." She teased and Savannah gasped and stared at her Mother questioningly.
"You knew he was going to ask?" Savannah demanded and Catherine chuckled as she nodded her head.
"Of course, he asked your Father and I for our blessing." She said softly and Savannah felt tears start to sting at her eyes and started to fan herself.
"That is so unbelievably old fashioned and very romantic and our daughter is giving me crazy hormones right now." Savannah sighed and they all laughed. Nat pulled Savannah in for a quick hug and kiss before pulling his keys out of his pocket.
"I'll be back after the game, go back to resting. The doctor said you're gonna pop soon remember and he wants you to relax." He said sternly and Catherine placed her hand on Savannah's shoulder.
"Don't worry Nat, she's in safe hands with her Mother." She assured him and Savannah smiled at her Mom and then looked at Nathan.
"Good luck baby, I know you can do it sweetheart and don't be nervous." Savannah said softly as she leaned up and kissed his cheek quickly.
"I'll be playing for you, like always." He said softly and then hopped off the porch and jogged to his car. Savannah and Catherine waved as he pulled out of the driveway and Savannah took in a shaky breath.
"The recruiter from Miami Heat is coming to his game today, if he does well it'll get him a spot on the team when he's 19." Savannah said softly and Catherine nodded her head.
"That would be a wonderful opportunity for him and for you. You two would be living comfortably and you'd be able to go to college." Catherine suggested and Savannah shook her head as they walked back inside.
"I'm not going to college, I wanna be at home and take care of Diana until she's at least in kindergarten." Savannah admitted and her Mom shook her head as Savannah laid down on the couch slowly.
"Honey, you can't put a pause on your education. Just because you're having Diana doesn't mean you have to forget about your dreams." She insisted and Savannah sighed as she looked up at Catherine.
"Dreams change Mom." Savannah rolled over on to her side and let her eyes drift shut, she was suddenly sleepy. Catherine sighed and stared at her daughter with concern and her lips pursed.
Savannah woke up with a gasp and clutched her stomach in pain. "Ouch!" She screamed and Catherine bursted into the living room quickly and rushed over to her.
  "What's wrong, honey? Is it the baby?" She asked worriedly and Savannah nodded her head as she tried to sit up slowly.
  "I felt a sharp pain, Mom. I think Diana's coming." She said as Catherine helped her up and they started their way to the car.

Nathan took in a ragged breath and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Walker, we need you right now." Coach Michaels said and Nathan nodded his head as he let out a sigh and looked around the gym with all his classmates cheering for him and the team, but all he wanted to see was Savannah out in the crowd watching him. He sighed and cracked his neck as he tried to focus on the game.
Savanna sat in the hospital bed clutching her stomach and tried to focus on her breathing as her contractions were becoming more and more intense. "Are you sure you don't want any medication for the pain, sweetie?" Catherine asked as she reached out and grabbed Savannah's hand while she sat in the chair next to her bed.
  "Yeah, I know I can do this." She said sternly and continued to focus on her breathing.
"Hey Savannah, let's see how everything is going with Diana." Her Doctor, Doctor Nunez, said as she checked to see how dilated she was. "Alright," She said after a few seconds and walked over to her side. "You've dilated to ten centimeters, so we're gonna go prep a delivery room for you and you'll be having your baby really soon." Dr. Nunez then left the room with a few nurse's and Savannah looked over at Catherine with fear in her eyes.
"Mom, I'm scared." Savannah whispered and Catherine bit her lip nervously as she moved some of Savannah's hair off of her forehead.
  "Savannah, I know I'm not your real mom and I know I didn't know your mother, but I just want you to know that she would be so proud of you and everything you've accomplished." Catherine said and Savannah smiled at her as she squeezed Catherine's hand lightly.
"Thank you, I know she would've and you are my real Mom. You've raised me, you've made me the women I am today." Savannah said and Catherine started to tear up as she grinned at her.
"I love you, sweetie. Now let's go have your little girl." She said sternly and Savannah nodded her head.

The crowd seemed to get louder and louder as the time on the clock seemed to run out. "Walker! Go!" His Coach screamed and Nathan nodded his head as he dribbled the ball across the half court line. They had 36 seconds left and they need to get a three pointer in order to win the game. Nathan took in a deep breath as he looked into the crowd and saw Coach O'Brien in the crowd with other people involved with the Miami Heat.
  "Nat!" His team mate shouted from the left side of the three point line and Nathan shook his head as he spun around a kid who was blocking him and decided to risk his chances and take his shot for a three pointer.

      Savannah let out a cry of pain as she threw her head back against the pillow and took in a ragged breath. "You're doing great, Savannah! I can see the baby's head, you're almost done, sweetie." Dr. Nunez said and Savannah looked over at Catherine.
  "It hurts so bad, Mommy." She sobbed and Catherine nodded as she squeezed Savannah's hands between hers.
  "I know honey, but you're almost done and then you finally get to see Diana. Now deep breath and push, okay sweetheart?" Catherine said softly and Savannah took in a deep breath as she nodded her head and then pushed.
  "And she's out! Congratulations Savannah, you're a Mommy!" Dr. Nunez exclaimed as the sound of a baby's cry filled the room. Savannah collapsed back against the pillow because she was exhausted and Catherine started crying out of joy.
  "Oh, Savannah!" She sobbed and Savannah lifted up her head tiredly as she panted for air and looked over at the nurses who were cleaning her off. "She's beautiful, honey." Savannah smiled widely as the nurse picked up Diana and carried her over to her.
  "Here's your daughter, congratulations!" She exclaimed and Savannah giggled as she took her daughter from her. Savannah's eyes widened as they met Diana's and tears started to fill Savannah's vision. She never knew that by one glance you could fall head over heels in love with a person until she finally got to hold her daughter.
  "I love her," Savannah gasped as she looked up at her Mother quickly who was smiling at her while she cried then Savannah looked down at Diana who stared back up at her with Nathan's beautiful green eyes. "You're my daughter, I love you so much." Savannah sobbed as she leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Diana's head and rocked back and forth with her in her arms.

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