• Chapter Nine •

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10 Years Ago

     Savannah looked down at her schedule nervously and pulled at the hem of her dress, a habit she had ever since she was a child whenever she felt alone. If only her Mom had been alive, she knew she would be more understanding than her Step-Mom, Catherine. "Hey," Catherine said, trying to capture Savannah's attention. "You look wonderful sweetie, I promise you'll love high school." She said encouragingly and Savannah couldn't help but smile. She really did love Catherine like she was her Mother but they never had that mother and daughter bond.
  "I hope so, Mom. Well," Savannah sighed and looked over at the school as she slowly started to unbuckle her seatbelt. "I'll see you after school, love you." She said as she opened the door and got out. She looked around one more time hoping to at least see one familiar face but froze when she spotted a young man already staring at her. Savannah stared back questioningly and he quickly looked down nervously and then continued his conversation with his friends.

Savannah smirked as she rolled her eyes and closed her Mom's door then gave her a quick wave and made her way to school

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Savannah smirked as she rolled her eyes and closed her Mom's door then gave her a quick wave and made her way to school.
  "Hi." One of the boy's friends, who had dark blonde hair and was incredibly tan from the summer, said as she walked back them but Savannah pretended like she hadn't heard them and continued to walk. "You must be a freshman, otherwise you would've stopped." He teased and Savannah rolled her eyes as she continued to breeze by them confidently. She maybe fourteen but she wasn't easy like all the other girls, she actually had a personality and had respect for herself. All of his friends laughed and Savannah peaked behind her quickly to see if the boy from earlier was still staring at her and to her surprise, he was. Savannah raised her eyebrow questioningly wondering what the big deal was and when the boy didn't move Savannah just rolled her eyes as she turned around and walked inside.
  "Nathan, she was totally giving you the invitation to talk to her, dude!" Nick, the dark blonde young man from earlier, exclaimed which caused everyone around to laugh teasingly.
"Oh c'mon Nick! Nat's the new freshman on the varsity team, he's not going to talk to her." Another boy teased and the group erupted in laughter once more. Nat rolled his eyes and continued to watch after the mystery girl.
     Savannah walked down the hallway later on that day as she headed towards her locker when she the mystery boy from earlier breaking up a fight between two other guys. "Who do you think you are?" The mystery boy demanded as he got in one of the guys' face. "Why are you picking on him? What's he done to you, huh?" He yelled in the other boy's face and the other boy just started at him angrily, his lips pulled into a tight line.
"Stupid bully." Savannah said as she approached the other boy standing alone and fixing his wrinkled shirt back into place. "Are you okay?" She asked softly and the boy looked up at her in complete shock and it took all Savannah had not to laugh so instead she just smiled at him sweetly.
"Uh-um... Y-y-yes I'm okay..." He trailed off nervously and Savannah continued to smile as she placed her hand on his shoulder.
"Don't listen to a word anyone says about you because people only say mean things when their insecure about themselves or jealous of you," She said then turned to look at the bully. "Or on some occasions, they're jealous of you and insecure." She teased and then Nathan smiled a little at her and the bully stalked away angrily.
"Thank you, I'm Jordan." He said and held out his hand and Savannah shook it.
"I'm Savannah and it was no problem. You should be thanking him though." She admitted and Jordan nodded then quickly walked over to Nathan and thanked him. After Jordan left, Savannah and Nathan stared at each other for a couple seconds and Savannah smiled at Nathan as she walked up to him. "That was really nice of you to stick up for him like that, I'm Savannah." She introduced herself and Nat smiled at her.
"I'm Nathan, you really put that ass in his place." He complimented and she giggled as she looked down then back up at him.
"Well, it seems like you and I have a strong dislike for bullies." She teased and Nathan chuckled as he nodded and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Hold old are you?" She asked curiously.
"Fifteen, you?"
"Fourteen, but I turn fifteen in March." Savannah informed him and then looked down at her hands nervously and started fiddling with her fingers.
"Well, I hope we become good friends and I can tell you happy birthday when it comes." He teased and Savannah smiled as she looked back up at him.
"I hope so too." She said softly and Nat's basketball friends walked by ruining their moment.
"Come on Nat, we got practice. You can text your girlfriend later." Nick teased as they continued to walk towards the boys' locker room. Savannah rolled her eyes as she looked back at Nat and he shook his head his teammates and rolled his eyes.
"Sorry about that, I hope I see you later." He said as he slowly back away from her and Savannah stared at him.
"We'll see." She teased and turned to head toward her locker.

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