"But you have to, Astrid-bear. We all have to." He mumbled and I buried my face into the pillow. My senses perked up when I heard a lot of footsteps along with smell of pizza.

"Huddle up, peasants. King's got feast for you."

I threw the previously stated shirt on Alex's face. He gave me a blank look and everyone laughed. He rolled his eyes as he settled the pizza boxes on floor while everyone circled them.

I opened the flip and welcomed the aroma as I grabbed a slice and moaned into its taste like everyone.

"If I didn't knew better, I would have assumed that you all are having group sex in her room."

Everyone choked on their bites.

Trust Liam to say something like that.

"What are you doing on the window? Come in." Margo offered while Asher, Aiden, Alex and Elliot glared at him. He gulped but swung himself inside and sat next to me.

"Geez! Why is this room brimmed with people?!" Everyone looked up at Ian's voice as he staggered inside while jumping around my messy room. Rose was on her tail as she dragged Liz with her.

"See who we bumped into!" Aiden jumped on his feet immediately to kiss his girlfriend while Asher kept on munching the pizza, oblivious to Rose's glare. She huffed and kicked him aside before sitting next to Elliot.

Thank god my room was decently huge or else, it would have been suffocating.

"I am gonna call Felix. He is the only one left."

"Hm. Hm. We have enough pizzas too." Beatrice nodded with slight blush. The urge to roll my eyes was overwhelming.

I mean Tris is sweet and all but her crushes change like dirty clothes and imagining my cousin with my friends doesn't help.


I know. I mean, I can bear Rose and Asher but then, Rose was Asher's friend first. I can bear Liz and Aiden but come on, they are such a perfect couple that it hurts.

'Beatrice with Liam' makes me gag while 'Beatrice and Felix' makes me puke.

"So, are you all done packing?" Zach asked indifferently and every high school pass out glared at him for reminding us of the dreaded topic. He raised his hand up in surrender. I sighed.

So much changed after the day we got key to treasure. Alex and I, were expected to rule but we both had dreams. We both felt too young for the throne. So we did the most justified thing we could think of- we decided to turn Kovorelle into democracy.

It was hard. So damn hard! But we convinced our family and all the rival or friend Clans. My cousins helped in that. We had to convince the citizens after that but they were more than ready to do anything their beloved long lost prince and princess said. So yeah, Kovorelle is on its way to democracy. After putting so much efforts in framing a constitution along with the court and clans, we finally succeeded in drawing rights and duties of citizens of a strong nation. Obviously, some rights and special powers were still given to the royal family.

I couldn't believe that we did it! And all this, while juggling with school and college applications. I have never been more grateful for my Einstein brain and I am happy that Alex too pulled himself together for exams as we scored average. To say that last few months were stressful will be an understatement.

But now it is over.

Elections are later next year. We have adopted bipartisan system and right now, it's taking a lot of intel in blocking the tainted people from contesting in any form of political activity while it's taking a lot of hard work in getting voter IDs etcetera, ready. I mean, at the end of the day, I and Alex are just teens.

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