Chapter 6

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Wow okay so I thought this was a dead end because House of Hades is out now and I thought no one would want me to carry on, but someone has commented asking me to continue! So thank you!! :D




I woke up to the sound of waves and the rushing of wind. The gentle rocking of my bed was so soothing that I almost drifted back to sleep. But then I heard someone  whisper behind my door.

Immediately, I sprang out of bed and grabbed Riptide from my bedside table. Monsters?

I faced the door, ready for anything. My reactions were extra-fast since Tartarus, so when nothing happened I was confused. Reaching out a hand hesitantly, I nudged the door open, Riptide out.

Piper and Jason stood outside the door, frozen. Piper's cheeks were tomato-red.

"Oh... P-Percy, did we wake you up?" She asked, fumbling over her words in her embrrassment.

Why were they eavesdropping?

"Uh... No..." An awkward silence followed. Suddenly, I realised Riptide was still drawn. I clicked it and put it back on my bedside table.

"So... I'm gonna get dressed now?" My statement came out as a question as they both stared at me suspiciously.

"Okay, we'll just go up to breakfast then." Jason said, falsely cheery.

They turned to go, when I blurted "Why are you eavesdropping?"

The both looked at eachother, startled. They looked a mixture between embrassed and regretful and sympathetic.

"We just wanted to make sure you're okay, Perce." Jason said softly, trying not to look me in the eye.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I asked suspiciously. What's the deal with these guys?

"Well... Because you've just come out of Tartarus, and because of..." Piper trailed off, looking on the verge of tears.

"What's happened?!" I exclaimed. Had someone been hurt up on deck?

"Because of Annabeth." Jason said slowly, finally looking me in the eye.

And then it all rushed back. I had woken up and expected to go and meet Annabeth at breakfast, just as I had for the last seven years of my life. I had expected to see her gorgeous blonde hair in her ponytail, swishing as she leaned over to peck me on the cheek. And her orange Camp Half Blood T shirt, peppered with holes from over the years. Her eyes. Her voice as she chastised me for doing something stupid.

Her voice as she whispered 'Sorry' across the cavern.


My breath exhaled in a rush, as though a giant had punched me in the gut. That wouldn't have been anywhere near as painful.

Why hadn't she come back to me yet? She couldn't have actually died. All these years, all these chances for her to have died and she never had... Why now?

I couldn't bear this pain, I needed for it to end. I wished I would black out so that I wouldn't have to think any more.

"I-I'm gonna go... Back." I said breathlessly, fighting back a torrent of tears. I didn't wait for an answer.

How could I forget about her?

Once I'd shut the door on Piper and Jason, I got dressed, my fingers fumbling uselessly over the buttons on my jeans. I couldn't feel anything, I was numb. It was like the emotional pain had blocked out all physical feeling.

Not knowing what else to do, I turned on my tap and shone the lamp through it, making a rainbow.

Tossing in a drachma, I barely managed to speak the address to Iris. But luckily for me, she understood.

And then my Mom stood before me, baking some blue cookies in the kitchen.

"Mom..." I whispered.

Okay so I seriously need some inspiration if I'm going to carry on. I've completely forgotten what it was I was goint to write now, but I'm sure I'll think of something! Now I must go and watch Children In Need :D

Thanks for reading!

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