Fireworks and Jealousy

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    "Should we get going then?" I suggest breaking the infinite silence.

   "Yes lets go" my mum adds as I grab my hoody and camera.

   As we head towards the beach I notice a huge bonfire and lots of people drinking and having fun. As we find a good place to stand I decide to go and get us drinks. I approach the beach bar just as someone turns around knocking into me I look forward to see that it was Lauren from the beach, her frown soon turns into a smile as she sees that it's me. "Hey you" she smiles.

   "Hi" I reply back not sure whether I should say anything else.

    "I'm glad you came, me and Viola were putting bets on whether you would show up" she says.

    "Yeah me Natalie, my mum and dad too" I add.

    "Well that must be nice to have your mum and dad here" she smiles sweetly.

    "Well not really..." I mumble suddenly regretting I said anything. She looks at me confused.

    "Really?" she asks.

    "Long story" I huff.

    "I'm good with listening" she tells me sincerely as she walks from the bar are and to a rock away from the lights, I sit next to her.

   "Do you really want to know?" I ask and she nods so I sigh. "Ok think handcuffs, whips and my parents walking in." I watch her reaction, her straight face suddenly turns into a smile and eventually a full blown laugh. After a few minutes she returns back to a normal state.

   "I'm sorry." She chuckles. "But that's hilarious, it must've been so awkward. I'd die if that happened to me" I see her suddenly stop and think."'Sorry die wasn't probably the best word to use." "Anyway what happened with Natalie?"

   "She went quiet and looked like she was going to pass out. I think she took it worse than me, like she thought my parents would forbid her from seeing me."

   "Would they?" she asks. I shake my head.

   "Nope never, they're cool about it, they would never do anything like that despite how awkward the situation was" I reply.

   "You have some awesome parents" she adds.

    "I think so too" I smile back.

    "Let's get back to the fireworks. I want to meet your parents too" Lauren says enthusiastically. She holds out her hand which I happily grab, it was a friendly gesture nothing more. As we approach my parents and Natalie I quickly drop Laurens hand but I notice Natalie inspecting us. Soon enough Viola also joins us as we sit down on the blankets Lauren had decided to bring. Natalie's practically sitting on my lap as she moves as close as possible up to me, I have a feeling that this is because of Laurens presence more than anything else. We sit there occasionally looking at each other, I can still see my dad looking embarrassed from earlier as he looks at me and Nat before quickly looking away, my mum on the other hand.

   "So you two girls are a cute couple?" my mum blurts out to Viola and Lauren. I see Viola smile sweetly at Lauren.

   "Why thank you. But I think your daughter and Natalie make the cuter couple" Lauren replies. I feel my face heating up. My mums face lights up as she looks at me.

   "They are a beautiful couple. Even with the handcuffs" she replies. I splutter my drink out in response to my mum. I can feel myself choking and someone hitting my back in response.

   "Mum!" I scream. Everyone else including Natalie and my dad are laughing at my expense. My mum continues smiling like what she just said was normal. "I'm not discussing my sex life with you two" I say pointing at my parents. "And not in front of Viola and Lauren either!"

   "We don't mind" Viola says winking at me. You could practically fry an egg on my face with how hot I was getting. Thankfully the firework show started distracting everyone from me. I look at Natalie who just grinned winking at me.

    "I don't mind talking about it either" she whispers. We all stand up and walk towards the water to get a better view.

    "Come and stand with us" I hear Lauren call waving us over.

    "What's her problem" Natalie mumbles under her breath beside me. I look at her confused.

    "Are you still jealous?" I ask annoyed at her attitude.

   "When you see your girlfriend walking hand in hand from the darkness...well you can't really blame me of being a little bit jealous" she says accusatorily.  I roll my eyes glad it was too dark for her to see me and grab her hand.

   "Ok first of all she's just being friendly and secondly I'd rather hold your hand so stop being jealous" I whisper as we approach Viola and Lauren who are smiling. My mum and dad come to stand on the other side of us as we watch the fireworks bursting overhead. Natalie reassuringly squeezes my hand as I watch the reflection from the fireworks in her glistening eyes.

An unexpected lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن