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**Kirstie POV**
After about an hour after the guys left, I heard someone else came into the house. Which I presume to be my mom.

"Kirstie! Kirstie! I'm home!" I hear my mom yell throughout the house.

"Oh good. More of the fun can begin." Josh says.

I tried again to say something but couldn't. I was too weak still from being knocked out.

"She'll be coming down here right about...." Josh says then I hear the door to the basement open.

"Now." He whispers.

I hear my mom walk down the stairs then she calls my name.

"Kirstie? Baby, you're scaring me." She says walking around the basement.

"Mom." I managed to say in softly.

"Kirst?" My mom says turning and seeing me in the corner.

She runs over to me and gets me a hug and tries to pick me up off the ground.

"What are you doing down here?" She asks.

I try to give her an answer. Then I see Josh behind her getting ready to knock her out.

Somehow I got up enough strength to push past my mom and knock Josh to the ground.

"Run." I mouth to my mom.

She doesn't hesitate as she runs upstairs to try and find a safe hiding place from Josh.

He tried kicking me off of him so he can chase after her. When I wouldn't let go he takes the object in his hand and bashed it over my head causing me to black out once more.

I hope my mom was able to find a hiding spot and calls for help.

We both could really need it right now.

**Jeremy POV**
We just pulled into the driveway at Kirstie's moms house and we can see her car parked in front of ours.

"Okay. She said to walk in quietly. So be quiet." I say.

Both Mitch and Scott nod in agreement and we walk to the front door.

Scott slowly opens up the door and sees no sign of anyone but we're not taking any chances of making noise or talking.

I pull out my phone and text her mom to see where at in the house she is.

She quickly replied and said she was in the closet upstairs in Kirstie's room.

"Scott, lead us to Kirstie's room." I whisper to him.

He nods and continues to quietly leads us around the house to the stairs.

Once we get to Kirstie's room I open the door and see her mom sitting there under a bunch of stuff.

"Angelica! Are you okay!?" I say in a whisper.

"Yes. That guy Josh is in the house somewhere." She says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I got home and there was a note on the table that said to go to the basement. So I did and I was looking for Kirstie and she called out to me in a very weak voice. I went to help her up when she pushed past me to knock Josh down. Then she told me to run. So I came up here and hid in the closet." She explains.

"Do you know where he's at now?" I ask.

"No, but-" she stopped mid sentence and pointed behind us.

"Hello, boys! I see you came to play my little game too." He says with blood on his hand and face.

Oh shit.

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