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**Jeremy POV**
Once we got to the hospital they wheeled her back to the ER and told me to go sit in the waiting room until they know anything else.

"Sir, you have to go sit in the waiting room." The nurse says.

"I have to be with her! That's my girlfriend!" I yell.

Then Scott and Avi come up behind me and walk me to the waiting room to calm me down.

"I'll take him there, ma'am." Scott says.

They sit me down in a chair next to Kevin and try their best to get me to calm down.

"Hey, she's going to be ok." Kevin reassured.

"When did you two get here?" I ask Avi and Kevin.

"Mitch called us and we were on the next flight out here." Avi says.

Scott sits down next to me and keeps patting my shoulder trying to calm me down and to stop me from shaking.

Finally Mitch and Kirstie's mom got to the hospital and I start crying again when her mom comes up and hugs me.

"Did they tell you anything yet?" She asks with tears in her eyes.

"No. Not yet." I say holding back tears.


The next few hours we waited in the waiting room and some of us fell asleep. A few a us stayed up to wait for a nurse then when the others woke up we took naps.

Finally a nurse comes out and calls for us.

"Family of Kirstin Maldonado?" She says.

"Yes! That's all of us!" I say quickly standing up.

"What happened?" Kirstie's mom asks coming up on the side of me.

"Well she has a concussion from bumping her head on something. Then it seems she was in a fight and by the looks of her injuries, she put up a fight." She says.

"Is she going to be ok?" I ask.

"Yes she's going to be fine. She has a couple of bruised ribs and a fractured wrist and ankle but she will make a fast and full recovery!" She concludes.

"Can we go see her?" Mitch asks.

"Yes you may all go back to see her. Follow me."

We all follow the nurse back to Kirstie's room. Then she stops us before we walk in.

"She's still sleeping. So I suggest you be quite until she wakes up." She says before leaving us to go into her room.

Thank goodness she's going to be okay.

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