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**Kirstie POV**
I wake up before Jeremy does really early in the morning. Then head to the bathroom and quickly get ready and pack a bag and leave him a note on the bedside table.

I love Jeremy so much, but I can't stand him getting hurt because of me.

It's not fair to him.

I have to leave him so I can protect him from myself and from Josh.

If he ever decides to break out of jail again, I can't take the chance and have Jeremy get hurt, probably even worse this time.

I look at him one last time almost crying and leave.

I sit in my car for a few minutes and just cry.

"I'm sorry, Jeremy. I really am."

**Jeremy POV**
few hours later

I wake up and see Kirstie isn't next to me. So I figure she's already up and went to rehearsals with the rest of my the band.

But then I see something on the table besides the bed.

A piece of paper.

Jeremy, I'm sorry I had to leave in the middle of the night like this but it's to protect you from myself and Josh. I love you and always will love you, but I don't want to see you get hurt because of me. Don't come look for me. You'll be safer that way. -Kirstie

She's gone! She just left!? I'd do anything for her and she thinks she's hurting me?

I immediately call the guys.

"Hello?" Avi says answering the phone.

"Hey is Kirstie there?" I ask.

"No. Actually, we were just about to call you and ask you the same question." He says.

"She left in the middle of the night and I have no clue where she could've gone!" I say in a panic.

"Okay. Okay calm down. We're on our way over there. Sit tight." Avi says before hanging up.

I love her and I need to find her so I can protect her before Josh comes back to get her again.

I can't believe she's gone.

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