Kenny noticed

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I was in the cafeteria and I was sitting next to Stan sense Cartman was at home doing who knows what, and Kyle was sitting by Emily because they are supposedly a thing now. I look over at Craig's table. I see Craig had his arm around tweeks shoulder, laughing. Clyde, and token sat next to them but they did not question the whole arm on shoulder gig.

"Is it official? Are they seriously dating?"I ask.

"Well they could just be friends like me and Kyle. You know nothing more and nothing less...and" Stan sighs. "It will forever remain that way."

"Well who said you wanted more or less?"

"Nobody! Ahahahaha pft nobody. I-i-i don't want more I mean then I would be a gaywad. Stan marsh is not a gaywad." Stan blunts out. Now he's acting weird.

"I bet you tweek is in a relationship with Craig."

"10 bucks."

"Done. Let's go see." We walk over to where Craig and tweek are cuddling. I smile and stan does the talking. I cross my fingers.

" tweek is this your boyfriend." Stan says as pointing to Craig. I do a facepalm and shakes my head.

"ARGGHH! I-i i-its c-complicated." Tweek responds.

"So is it true, Craig?" I ask.

"'s only true if tween says it is." Craig says.

"Or are you just really close friends like me and Kyle." Stan says.

"But you and Kyle are dating?" Craig responds.

"No! First off no, second off he has a girlfriend, third off are relationship will never be more or less.." Stan yelled.

"Sounds to me like your dating." Craig lowers his voice.

"WERE NOT DATING OK?!" Stan screamed.

"You sure act like you want it to happen."

"Well....fuck you." Stan says. Craig flipped him off and stan went to go sit down back at are table.

"You owe me ten bucks. " I say.

"Here take it. " I grab the money out of his hand. I fake a huge grin and sits back in my seat. Then I see Kyle walked over with Emily. He had his arm rapped around her waist. He smiled at us and they sat directly across from us.

"Hi Kenny, Stan." Emily greets us.

"Hello." Me and stan say.

"This is Emily guys."

"Went for the blonde aye." Stan mumbled. Kyle and Emily did not hear that just me. I elbowed Stan for a warning to stop. He elbowed me back. I kicked him in the shin and he just sighed.

"What did you say Stan? " Emily asked.

"Uh nothing he said nothing." I quickly replied.

"I have a party at my house on Friday do you folks want to come?" Emily asked.

"Uh..sure." Stan says.

"Great what about you Kenny are you coming?"Emily ask.

"Uh..I guess."

"What are we going to be doing?"Kyle ask.

"You know the usual, spin the bottle, watch rated r movies, shit like that." Emily responds.

"Who's coming?" I ask.

"Well so far Tammy, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, wendy, bebe, red, Craig, Clyde, butters, Annie, and hopefully we can get tweek. I have not asked him yet. I will try to get more of my girls. Most of them have plans so....I don't know. I hoping they all cancel on there plans. My sister has parties all the fucking time. I know what I am doing."Emily says.

"Awesome! So you get to have like parties anytime?"Stan ask.

"Yeah!" Emily responds.

"So like your parents are there too?" Kyle ask.

"Well just me my mom my dad left me as a kid. My mom is always drunk and doing it with some one. She even will do it with girls. If not my sister is there. " Emily jumps.

"How old is your sister?" Kyle asked.

"She is eh seventeen."

"And your sixteen . So two years apart."

"Yeah. She will invite her boyfriend and his friend and his friends girlfriend over. They play some weird ass games. Like a game where they try to get a glow stick down each other's shirt. I was apart of that once. We're not doing that. Well I sure hope not."

"Well that's fine. I was thinking about us playing that closet game where they but people in the closet." I say. They stare at me like I am some pervert. I sigh.

"Well I guess we can. I've never done that before." Emily says.

"That's for sex. Sex in the closet. No I am not doing that. I told you I am a virgin " Kyle says.

"Come on Kyle!" Emily says.

"Well I got to get me a bitch first." Stan says.

"So your serious you will take my game?"I asked.

"Sure! It sounds like fun." Emily yelped.

"I still have no bitch." Stan says

"We pare you with some bitch silly." Emily smiles.

"Yeah no. I'm not going in the closet." Kyle complains.

"Kyle your gonna and trust me you'll like it!"

"Kyle you don't want to be a fag do you?" I ask.

Kyle sighs. "I guess not."

South Park~ Speak (Kyle x Stan) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin