On board

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'I swear something is wrong with me. I have no idea why but I feel like Kyle is my favorite person right now. Just look at him he is so cute. His smile brightens the room. What am I thinking? Oh no! I am not gay.'

"Hey Stan, I have to ask if you can maybe help me with this group project you know the one where I have to work with cartman, Clyde and Craig. They won't even meet me in the library to work on it."

"Well maybe they think its fine to do it at a specific location not just the library where they can't do much anything except to read. "

"But the library is where all the good research comes from." He looks frustrated. He is soo cute when he is frustrated it's like a panda bear that lost its vanginity. I don't know it just looks soo cute. He's adorable.

"Kyle, come on you really think cartman is gonna go to the library?"

"Well no. But maybe if..." He pauses to think. That face is just too irresistible. I can't stop....wait am I blushing? I touch my cheeks. But all of felt was the huge smile on my face. I think I am blushing God dammit fucking stop Stan!

"AH!" I yell.

"What what is it?" Kyle says concerned.

"Kyle...I have to go." I say. He grabs my arm.

"Stan don't go please stay. " Kyle smiles.

I look at him and I suddenly feel calm. "Kyle," I sigh. "Never mind."Kyle shrugs and we keep playing. I look at him. He looks back and smiles. I cough for a unknown reason.

"Stan are you getting a cold?"

"No Kyle quit acting like my mom."

"What? Am I?"

"Yes Kyle it's getting annoying."

"Oh yeah well I guess I am sorry."

"You guess?"

"Stan quit acting like a asshole. Your starting to piss me off."

"Well maybe let's say I have some thoughts that are creeping myself out and I try to hid them before anyone finds out and maybe just maybe that's why I am acting like a ass."


"I don't care for your shit Kyle I am just..."

"A ass."

"Stop Kyle!" I try to hold back but I just can't a tear streams down from my eyes. "Kyle." I mumble and turn around before Kyle sees me crying. I don't want him to. So I act like I was looking for something in my pocket but Kyle is not buying it. Kyle is acting like he does not care for me. I guess I am crying because he is not interested and when he finds out we will probably not be friends anymore.

"Stan...? A-are are you crying?"

I sniff and wipe underneath my nose. "No." Kyle takes his hand puts it behind my ear and wipes my tears off with a warming and comforting smile.

"Stan, is there something you need to tell me?" I look at him and lightly leans in and press my lips on his cheek. I blush and walks downstairs. I did not get to see Kyle's reaction I was scared that he would say something to upset me even more. I hear footsteps quickly coming down the stairs. "I thought you were staying over night?" I smile and runs up to him.

"Come." He walks me to a air mattress he had on the floor. I smile.

"What's this?"

"I feel bad for you when I had you sleep with me. I decided to get the air mattress in the attic. I had it blown up all I did was open the closet and pull it out."


"I am going to get blankets."



"I did not bring pajamas. I did not know you were inviting me to sleep over."

"Oh, go ahead grab some of mine." He leaves and I get into his pajamas. I sit on the mattress on the floor. Lay down and look at the ceiling with my arms crossed above my head. I smile. Kyle enters the room once again. He has two blankets and a pillow.

"Here Stan. " he hands me the stuff. I set them down. I get all settled in and falls asleep.
"Wake up!" Ike says.

"No Ike it's a Saturday we can sleep in." Kyle yelled. I moaned and I open my eyes to find Kyle throwing pillows at Ike. I sit up.

"Kyle!" I say.

"What?"He replied.

"He's just a fourth grader. Leave the poor kid alone!" I yell.

"He's fine we do this every time."


"Nothings wrong with it."

"Kyle there is plenty wrong with it! He's just a child!"

"Stan I know what I am doing and Ike over here is fine with it."

"Hey Ike do you enjoy it when your older brother picks on you?" I ask.

"No." Ike says.

"Hah! I should've have put a bid on that." I say.

"Well you didn't."Kyle snaps. I smile and he crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. He jumps off his bed and goes to his closet. I uncover myself from all the blankets I was given last night. Kyle grabs his clothes and goes to the bathroom leaving me and Ike alone. Ike stares at me and I try to ignore him. When Kyle returns he is wearing his usual clothes and he kicks Ike down the hall. I frowned and Kyle made a look like too-bad-bitch kind of look. I roll my eyes. I stand up and walks over to where Kyle is standing.

"I'm going home. " I say.

"Don't leave we haven't gotten to play my new game yet."

"Kyle, I have to leave. "

"Please! Please stay."

"I have to get home or my sister is gonna trash my room. "

"She does that?"

"She'll do anything. That requires my time. "

"Oh damn. "

"Yeah well bye Kyle. " I give him a light kiss on the cheek. I leave and he rubs it off his face in disgust. I guess that answers my question. I look down and sigh. Before I shut the door I manage to fake a smile then close it. Kyle stares at me without saying anything. "I love you." I whisper wishing he did not hear that. I walk home.

' What the fuck just happened? Stan is gay? Wait what? His sister abuses him and his stuff. What the fuck. I know she was fucked up and scary but not like that. But Stan kissed me. Was it because he broke up with Wendy and all the girls hate him or something? I think too much. I have to tell Kenny. And maybe Emily.'

South Park~ Speak (Kyle x Stan) Where stories live. Discover now