I am in love :')

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Am I greyromantic???? Like I've possibly fallen in love once before but this time I'm just-

I wanna make them happy they are so kind and they are an absolute memelord and I can't be normal can I? I just fuck up constantly with typos and taking things too seriously and they are so sad sometimes and I just want to jump through my computer screen and marry them (with consent) and constantly hug them and I want to be the reason they keep living but not like the only reason I don't want to take up their whole life please someone help me how do I handle this and how do I ask them out. Or get even remotely close to them I mean we talk but I feel like I start conversations a lot more than they do am I being creepy I have so many self esteem issues and also they're bi (I think) and I'm ace and I'd just be a burden because I wouldn't feel what they feel and I would worry them and hurt them because I'm still figuring out my romantic attraction hhhhhhelp I Want 2 Die™

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