.:GMverse entry 2:.

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I noticed that a bit of the other entries focused on camouflage. So this isn't a particularly stealthy buff bby.

OreoFerret so have an aesthetic tol bean

(Those injuries are from her tendency to protect people)

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(Those injuries are from her tendency to protect people)

A mix of African grey parrot and giraffe (she's got South African blood)

Name- Amade Amanzi (means tall water in Zulu don't question it)

Age- 18

Gender- ???? Friends use she pronouns but nobody knows really

Sexuality- ?????-Sexual(but probs demi)/????-But-somebody-caught-her-blushing-at-a-girl-romantic

Personality- She doesn't talk. Really protective and quite caring and gentle. Likes to hum and sings when she thinks she's alone, that's the only vocal sounds she makes most of the time. Loves music but when Amade dances she only sways because injuries occur when she tries to move violently.

Random facts- 7ft6" (because of giraffe). Although she's African born she lives in England and visits her birth place in Autumn. Her leg injuries are from the many "fights" she's been in. Of course she so tall that all they can do is kick her basically senseless shins. Anyway in a scuffle she's quite terrifying because I mean ITS A FLYING GIANT WOMAN. Also she's super strong due to the giraffe hoof gene toughening her skin.

Also I have a theory that it's easier to combine humans and animal genes when they come from the same conditions (like how Amade is African and is combined with only African animals)

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