Whisper bird

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It's really bad lighting also sorry it's in pen

When I younger I made a story and I invented a bird that the protagonist had as a pet

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When I younger I made a story and I invented a bird that the protagonist had as a pet. His name was Wilbur and his species was a Whisper Bird.

Whisper birds vary in size but usually are the size of peacocks and are also known as the "Dream Pheonix". Unlike the peacock, it's tail isn't able to expand and can be used as a weapon (the feathers can release a sleep drug). Whisper birds do not sing as a normal Pheonix would, but emit an eerie whisper resembling a pleading woman. Whilst these whispers are barely loud enough to be deciphered, the language they speak in is unknown. Once there was a Mage who could learn the things they said, but they were driven to insanity either but knowledge or horror. There are worn scrolls by said Mage where we can make out a few of the things Whisper birds have said. These scriptures are classified due to public safety.

Whisper birds are extremely rare and wary of humanoids, all except for Werrans (I'll get to that later) meaning that they are difficult to train and find. Upon death, Dream Phoenixes slowly dissolve into the air. If the dust of a dying Phoenix is taken in through the lungs, enough of it should make the breather live another five years. However, if killed purposely or not of natural causes, no dust will be expelled and the dead Whisper Bird will remain as a body.

The main use of these birds are the fact they keep secrets. They, according to the scriptures, like nothing better than to flock to the most thrilling and dangerous conversation/person. They make for great therapy animals, if they weren't so rare. Whisper Birds have to ability to read minds and find intentions, only the most pure minded and kind hearted individual can even be near these creatures. The Dream Phoenixes' main food is strong emotions and so they love intense joy/anger/sadness etc.

As known by the majority, only 7 people are known to own these, and each have their bird as the element they match. These birds are earth, water, fire, air, mind, shadows and life. According to legend, an eighth death bird is roaming without master or control. Without a master, while it could be a greatly powerful force of murder, but it is more likely to live as a normal Whisper Bird. It's most likely uncaught because most people who can be around Whisper Birds are peaceful aren't seeking a weapon.

As said, a Werran is a humanoid that can be around the Dream Phoenixes. Werrans are the people who possess one of the 8 First Whispers.

Just saying, do you like my ranting chapters about a species I made or should I make a book for that?

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