Dragon mum is The Best Mum

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Marnira is my probably my fav mum oc ever,, well it's a tie between her and Pegasus but eh.

I don't think I ever let you guys know here colour scheme but she's purple with yellow markings, plus some neato orange eyes

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I don't think I ever let you guys know here colour scheme but she's purple with yellow markings, plus some neato orange eyes.

Rant about this AU ahead-

So I was thinking that dragons and humans have very similar eyes??? Like they both got whites and irises and stuff. And movable eyebrow muscles and opposable thumbs,, and the paw pads on a dragons foot look like a human handprint.

Also the colour scheme of a dragon is body=one colour and markings=the opposite/negative of the body colour. And dragons eyes are the colours of fire (yellow, orange, red, bright blue, white, also bright violet like magnesium flame occasionally) whilst human eyes are the colour of earth (all the colours we possess now you dummy).

When two dragons produce a hatchling/hatchlings (they lay up to 5 eggs and 1-all eggs can survive), the colours of the kiddos will be the colour pair exactly in between the parents colour pairs here's a chart and an example (the colour opposites are across from each other).

When two dragons produce a hatchling/hatchlings (they lay up to 5 eggs and 1-all eggs can survive), the colours of the kiddos will be the colour pair exactly in between the parents colour pairs here's a chart and an example (the colour opposites a...

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Say dragon 1 is the blue-orange pairing, and then mates with dragon 2, a red-green pairing. If they had one child it would be a violet-yellow pairing, two children would be the two colours either side of the middle pairing and three would be the middle three.

If the parents have an even number of colour pairings between them, they can't lay any less than 2 eggs (because the middle pairings would be a minimum of two and not one), if there are more than five pairings between the parents colours, only the middle five will be possible colourings regardless of the number of eggs. Same goes for if less than five pairings are between the parents, they can only lay that amount of eggs. (Going back to dragon 1 and 2, only three pairings are between them, so they can only lay up to three eggs).

Which colour out of the pairing goes on either the body or markings is random and dragon 2, for example, could be born with a red body and green markings or vice versa. Although the warm colours tend to be the markings on a 60-40 ratio. Of course, genetics are not perfect and unlikely pairings do happen, but a dragon like that is as rare as somebody with two different coloured eyes. Or like a sHInY PoKEmoN. And genetic mess ups are more common in humans because we breed like rats.

Eos is a bluey green and orangey red because his parents were the same colour (reversed tho, his dad was yellow w/ purple markings). Idk what the dad will be called. Or maybe Marnira only bred for the purpose of having a child and the father is only a volunteer who is ok with being like a donor lmao oOOH WHAT IF DRAGON MAMMA IS GAY GASP OR ACE ARO AND SHES A SINGLE MU-

Can you feel the pASSioN I put into this universe look at me writing about fucking dragon genetics.

And if you want to know something about this AU ask awayyyyy I love questions about this stuff.

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