Chapter 14

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"Hello?" I called out, the cold night's air nipping at my skin.

A shiver shuddered through my body as a gust of wind blew through my clothes. My hair blew in all directions, strands blowing in my mouth.

Tall trees towered over my head and I continued to stumble my way through the woods. It felt like I'd been out here for ages, my feet were frozen. I looked down and I wasn't wearing any shoes.
I searching around and couldn't hear anyone out here. The Stars were shining through the tree tops but the moon wasn't out, proving little light.

"Hello? Can anyone here me?" I called out louder, my breath clouding in front of my face.  I circled around, looking closely between the trees. 
An orange flicker of light caught my eyes which shone through a small gap between two thick trees.

"Is anyone there?" I shouted.

No reply.

I slowly walked towards the orange light, the flickering glow growing bigger as I got closer. Pulling my way through the trees lit up from the orange glow, I found myself at a clearing.

A large blazing bonfire spit out embers high up in the sky.  I neared the raging fire and a small wave of heat touched my face.  I continued to walk closer and closer to the fire, the heat radiating from it warming me up.  Tall, hungry flames were roughly engulfing the heaped piles of black wood.
I stared mesmerisingly into the flames, discarding the anger they emitted, they beautifully danced in the wind.

My eyes widened and my brain clicked in recognition that I had stopped walking just less than a meter away.
The heat was getting too much and I felt a thin layer of sweat covered my body. I tried running away but my feet were glued to the ground.
I yanked and swung my arms, trying to get away from the blazing heat.

Must get away.  Must get away.

I feel my eyes being drawn into the fire, I tried closing them but they wouldn't shut. As I looked deeper, a face of whom I wish I'd never see again, appeared in the fire. Kaydon. I shrieked and tried turning away but my eyes were tranced on the outline of Kaydon's face made in the flames.
The heat intensified getting too much to bare, as the outline of Kaydon's face getting larger and closer to mine. I screamed, over and over. But I wasn't moving. Kaydon's face showed pure hatred as his mouth opened wide. 
Flames wrapped around my feet, burning my skin. Helpless screams left my mouth and pain slashed my skin. In a matter of seconds Kaydon took the size of the bonfire as the burning orange face rushed down, swallowing me whole..

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as loud I could, waking myself up in the process.

Sweat dripping down my forehead, my hands shaking. I sat up but was restrained by a large arm clamped over my waist. My breathing was erratic, heat from the arm seeping into my skin.  However that heat quickly disappeared in a flash as I turned to see a very worried and very half naked Xavier sitting up beside me.

I swallowed hard, Xavier's eyes glowing golden. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders as he brought me into his muscular chest.
"Shhhh, it's okay, you're okay" he soothed, his voice husky from his sleep.

"It was just a dream" he said rubbing my back with his hand. I clutched onto his t-shirt, feeling my breathing slowing down. Tears welled in my eyes and soon dripped down my face and onto Xavier.

"I-I" I tried to speak but they came out muffled through my sobs.

Xavier pulled back slightly, a cool rush of air blew in my face.  I kicked the sheets off my legs, anything just to cool down. As I did so. Xavier raised his hand and softly planted it on my forehead.

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