Chapter 3

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Once again, it was night. I had been running all day with only a few stops to catch my breath. I was jogging through the forest, the air was cold. Scratch that, it was freezing! The moon was peering through the tree tops which cast shadows like shattered glass on the ground. I hid between the shadows. I was so tired.
I carefully listened for any movements around me. It was silent. Too silent. I stood still, slowing my breathing down and calming my heart beat. If anyone's out here, they would sence my presence. I took a slow step forward, scanning the surroundings around me. As I was looking around the dark forest, I caught sight of two small bright green lights. They were looking straight at me. I blinked twice to see if it was my mind playing tricks on me, but they were still there. Not moving, just staring at me. A gust of wind blew from behind me and towards the green eyes. 'Shit' Lyra said, the wind blew harder and a low growl came from the eyes. 'It's got your scent' Lyra whisper shouted at me. Shit. I took at stealthy step backwards, getting as much distance as i could if I were to run away.
"Um.... W-who's there?"
I know that was a stupid question to ask but that was the only thing I could think of. The growl grew louder and a black figure appeared. An evil chuckle and loud footsteps was all I heard, when suddenly the black figure charged at me. It was taller then me, at least six foot something. He was muscly and I could see dominance coming from him, however he wasn't an alpha.
I screamed and jolted to the left. I smelt his scent, he was a pack warrior. I bolted in the opposite direction to him. My legs were moving fast and the adrenalin inside me was building. I quickened my pace and ignored the constant throbbing pain in my feet. But a hand quickly grabbed the collar of my top and pulled me to the ground. My head hit hard and dancing lights flew across my vision. I groaned and rubbed my head.
"What was that for?!" I shouted. The tall figure stood close, towering over me.
"Your going to die, rouge" the deep voice spat. He lunged his body at me and lifted his right arm up. My head went spinning and realised he had punched me. I felt a small bruise rise on my cheek. He pinned my body down and tied my hands behind my back. "Get off me!" I screamed. The figure grabbed a piece of cloth from his back pocket tied it around my mouth. "Mmmmmm, mmmmm!" I struggled under him. He reached down into his boots and pulled out a silver knife with a bone handle. Great. Note the sarcasm here. I squirmed and wriggled, trying to break free from his grasp. He had a smug look on his face, "Say goodbye mutt" slowly gliding the blade across my face.
That was it, no one calls me a mutt, punches me, abuses me in 50 seconds from whom I don't know! I have taken this all my life and I'm not going to take it anymore!
As he raised the blade to my face to go over his markings, I pulled my leg up and kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. A deadly growl escaped from him and he fell backwards. I shuffled away and took a quick look at his face. He didn't have any pain on his face, he looked like he was concentrating hard on something. "He's mind linking to someone" Lyra spoke. "I'm ready to shift, let's go!" I trusted Lyra, quickly shifting into a brown wolf and broke free from the rope and the material over my mouth. I turned and bolted away from him. I sprinted and sprinted, I gave all I had left into escaping. Every so often I would look behind, incase we were being followed. I thought Lyra lost willingness to life ages ago, but she has proved me wrong.
There was no sign of that pack worrier. I carried on running, my ankle was throbbing, there were shards of wood still pressing in my wound. Breaking the nights silence, howls erupted in the distance, making me run faster. "They must be the wolves that pack worrier mind linked" Lyra stated. It was so cold I could even see my breath, clouding in my face. I was shaking and my fur was standing up on end. Suddenly we stumbled across a small, run down hut. Carefully we stalked over to it, making sure we don't stand on any twigs incase anyone was inside. As we got closer, I could see it in a higher definition from the light given by the moon. The door was slightly open, so I sniffed and peered through the gap. There was no one there. "We should hide here for the night" Lyra suggested. I stepped forward and crawled into the back corner of the hut. I positioned myself so that my ankle isn't in too much pain but I have lost a lot of blood and Its still dripping. Unfortunately, I can smell the blood circulating inside the hut, it was strong scented. "I wonder where those wolves went?" I questioned Lyra. Without answering, I could feel Lyra falling asleep and I close my eyes to clear my head and forget everything that's happened.



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