Chapter 8

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Dawn's Point Of View

   I just pace back and forth in front of the door as I begin to feel frightened. Ash and Gary are gone and I have no idea where they went. Where could they be?

   Is this my fault? No they were here on a mission or something. Maybe I should just back off. But what if they need my help? What if they're in danger.

   All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door and I rush to open it's  instantly. I open the door and stare at the boy standing in front of me.

   "So you gonna tell me what's going on?" Paul says while he rubs his eyes. He looks pretty tired but I still need his help.

   "It's Ash! And his friend Gary! They came and they were here to stop Team Rocket and they might be doing something important and hiding it from me and they lied I think. They said-" Paul silences me by letting out a shaky "Dawn slow down!"

   "So Ash and Gary are here on a mission to stop Team Rocket and they left?" Paul says trying to understand. I just nod.

   "I'm scared. They've been very secretive today and I think they may be in danger! We should try and find them and help them." I say worriedly. I start to feel myself shiver as the thoughts of Ash and Gary in danger start to make me fret. Paul just puts his hands on my shoulder and gives me a reassuring look.

   "We can fly on Staraptor and look for 15 minutes but if we don't find anything I'm going home." Paul responds groggily. Normally I would have loved to stay out there for hours but to see Paul negotiating so easily was enough to win me over. We hopped on top of his Staraptor and we took off in search of Ash and Gary.

Ash's Point Of View

   "So here it is. The professor said it should be in this building." I say quietly as I examine the factory in front of us. I find an entrance and point to it. "Gary there's an open window up there."

"Got it." he says as he grabs a pokeball from his belt. "We can have my Venasaur carry us up there with vine whip." I nod and look back up at the window until a loud voice halts us.

   "Stop right there!"

   'Crap.' I think to myself as I turn to see two Team Rocket Grunts. As I look closer I can see they're the same grunts from the restaurant.

"Why if it isn't mister champion boy. You think you can beat us?" One says, almost as if he forgot I beat him the other day.

"As a matter of fact I do." I mutter as I clench my Pokeball and throw it swiftly, revealing Charizard. He lets out a loud roar and startles the grunts.

   "You'll have to do more than that." I hear a man say. I tilt my head as I look around, unable to trace where the sound was coming from. I just hear a man chuckling as I turn to look at Gary.

   Gary looked completely spooked but nonetheless, we were ready.

   Gary threw out the pokeball revealing his Blastoise and yells, "Show yourself! You don't scare us!"

   "As you wish." Than man says humorously, clearly not intimidated at all. Something about the tone of his voice starts to send shivers down my spine as I still look around frantically. I just shake my head and straighten my posture.

   'Your the Ash Ketchum, technical champion of the Kalos Region! Stop acting like a sissy and stand up for what's right!' I mentally scold myself. I stare at the grunts and see a man appear behind them, pushing them out of the way as he come closer to us.

   I just glare at him and snicker. "So who are you supposed to be?" I ask as I look him straight in the eye. I don't care who he is, I won't let him get away with whatever he's up to.

   "Oh, only the leader of Team Rocket, no big deal." He says snickering as he turns his back to us. "But you can just call me your worst nightmare." He then snaps his fingers and I feel two arms grab me from behind as a Hypno jumps in front of me.

   "AAUUGHH LET ME GO!" I yell as I try and break free. The man was too strong though. I realize I won't be able to get out of his grasp, so I've got to outsmart him. I look to see Charizard sneaking away in the distance.

   He looks back at me and nods and I just let out a deep breath.

   "I'm counting on you buddy."

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