Chapter 5

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Ash's Point Of View

As the whole restaurant began to hide and run frantically, I clench the pokeball holding my Infernape. I start to mentally scold myself for leaving Pikachu at Dawn's house but I'm sure Infernape will do just fine.

The Team Rocket members both had Sevipers. They just stare at me intently and laugh mockingly.

   "Oh watch out, junior here is going to stop us. What will we ever do?" One says sarcastically. I just snicker, as I crack my knuckles.

   "I don't think you know who your talking to." I say in a calm voice. I can sense the fear of the people in the room and my number one priority is to keep them safe and calm. "The name Ash Ketchum ring a bell?"

I hear a few gasps come from the crowd as the grunts just tense up, realizing who they were facing up against.

   "So what? It's a 2 verse 1 battle. You couldn't beat us!" The second one retorts.

   "Don't count on it!" Gary snarls as he throws out his Umbreon. I throw out my Infernape as well. I just glare at the grunts fiercely, as do Gary, Umbreon and Infernape.

"Seviper use bite!" One commands his Seviper. I take a careful look at how Seviper moves and pick up on a pattern.

"Infernape, dodge it and jump in the air!" I yell out to my Pokemon. He follows my directions and dodges the attack with ease. "Now attack from above with Flamethrower!"

The Seviper was struck with a direct hit and fainted after one attack. Infernape landed on the ground and glared at the remaining Seviper.

"Umbreon use Shadow Ball!" Gary shouts as he points at the standing Seviper. Umbreon fired out a fierce attack causing the Pokemon to faint.

The Grunts return their Pokemon and just stare at us with looks of pure anger as they quickly retreat from the scene. I start to run after them but Gary just grabs my shoulder, stopping me.

"It's not worth it. We don't know what could happen." He reasons. I just sigh and nod. I start to hear everyone cheering for us and just shrug it off. This is far from over so I don't want to get to far ahead of myself.

As I walk back to my table, Dawn just rushes up to me with tears in her eyes. As she holds me close I could literally feel her heart racing. "It's okay Dawn, it's over." I say trying to calm her down.

   I start to feel a bit of Deja vu as she was worried sick earlier. It hurts that the drama of these Team Rocket retards can make a happy go lucky person like Dawn so scared. It's not fair!

   "I-I'm sorry Ash." She says with fear crackling throughout her voice.

   "Why in the world are you sorry?" I ask dumbfounded. Did she do something that I didn't realize?

   "I-I just get scared whenever you are involved w-with Team Rocket. All I'm doing is making you worry." I just look down at her with a look of pure confusion. Not once did it bother me if she was scared. Sure, I was worried about her, but that's not a bad thing.

"Dawn, I would never be annoyed because you get scared by them. They scare me for god's sake. I just try not to show it so everyone else can stay calm." I say in the most soothing voice I could. I just continue to embrace her as she lets out her fear.

'Those bastards think they can come and traumatize my friends and get away with it? Well they sure as hell have another thing coming.' I think to myself angrily. I've seen Dawn sad or scared before but never has she been so worried about something. She just doesn't seem like the happy go lucky girl I know.

I just continue to think about Dawn, Team Rocket and other things in silence as Dawn begins to let go.

"Thanks Ash, I needed that." She said forcing a smile. I just smile back but something grabs my attention. My stomach starts screaming like a beached whale and Dawn and Gary just laugh at me.

I just let out a nervous chuckle as we sit back down and enjoy lunch. The waiter said we didn't have to pay for the meal but I secretly gave her a 50 dollar tip. As we walked out we began to catch up with each other.

Gary didn't really seem fazed about the whole incident and Dawn was starting to get over it. I just smile as we walk back to Dawn's house. But on the inside I was thinking about what happens next.

'There's no way they are just going to let this slide. But what could they be planning? Are they going to try and track me down?'

These thoughts had taken over me for the whole day and I figured it would be best to contact the professor soon.

As we arrive at Dawn's house I just stay in front of the house.

"You coming Ash?" Dawn asks confused as she looks at me. I just make the conscience decision to lie to try and keep her from worrying anymore.

"Oh! I'm just gonna call, err, my mom. Let her know I'm fine. You know how fast the news is these days!" I say. I don't want to lie to her but I also don't want her to feel down. It's for the best.

"Oh ok, tell her I said hi!" She says as she rushes in the house.

'Why's she in such a rush!' I think to myself as I dial Professor Oak's number.

Little did I know of the pair of eyes staring at me through the top window.

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