This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

“Don’t try to change the subject Jake.” He had a stern look in his eyes.

“I didn’t know we had one.” I stated.

“Quit trying to be a smartass.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Would you care to tell me what your problem is?”

“I don’t have a problem.”

“Then why were you avoiding me for the entire day?”

“I needed some time to think.” I looked down at the ground. I didn’t see any reason for me to explain myself to him.

“Think about what?” should I tell him? What if he denies everything? Worst yet, what if he lies to me?

“About you…and Steve.” I averted my eyes and refused to look at him again.

“Jake, I told you before, he’s just my friend. There’s nothing going on there.”

“Well excuse me for worrying a little. He’s a threat to me and I don’t like it.”

“Well what am I supposed to do about it?” he seemed a bit skeptic.

“For one, you can stay away from him.” It wasn’t a suggestion but more of a warning. Heaven alone knew why I was warning him.

“Okay.” One simple word. For some strange reason it wasn’t as convincing as it was supposed to be.

“Okay?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yes Jake.” He chuckled and raised his right hand. “Scout’s honor.”

I pulled him into a tight hug. “You have no idea how much I love you right now.”

“I think your hug is proving it. A little too much actually.”

I loosened my grip on him a bit. “Sorry, I got a bit carried away.”

He grabbed my hand and I proceeded to walk him to his next class. Maybe, just maybe, today was going to turn around. The bad feeling wasn’t completely gone, but at least I feel better now than what I felt this morning.



I ran out of the class as soon as the last bell rang. I would figure something out with Jake. Maybe I could end up spending the day with him after all.

Just as I was about to turn around the corner to surprise Jake at his class, my phone started ringing. I stopped and moved out of the way to answer it.

Hello?” I asked, quit obvious that I was in a hurry.

“Hey Skye, are we still on for today?” I heard Steve’s voice on the other end.

Shit! I forgot about that. “Uhh, can we take a rain check?”

“Skye, I’ve been waiting for almost a week to see you again. You can’t bail on me now.” He sounded somewhat desperate.

“I’m sorry Steve, but I already have other things planned.” I tried to be really convincing.

“Skye, one afternoon with me won’t kill you.” I detected some amusement in his voice. “Come on. What’s the worst that could possibly happen?”

“Yea, I guess you’re right. Okay, give me thirty minutes. I’ll meet you at the park.”

I rushed off to Jake’s class and greeted him with a huge smile. He kissed me on my cheek and I groaned at the feel of his lips.

“So I was thinking, we could watch a movie at my place with some popcorn, pizza and soda. And maybe,-” I saw a blush creep up his face. “-you know, snuggling for a while afterwards.”

This is Definitely Not Love...Right? [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now