Superheros and a Night Out- Ch. 2

Start from the beginning

With that, Gabe began running out of my room and to the kitchen where Leo was eating cereal.

He just glanced at us and rolled his eyes, I guess he is at that stage where he is too cool for us and I don't blame him, we do act like a strange bunch sometimes. He also had short brown hair and green eyes and even though he was just fourteen he seemed a lot older because he had strong features like our dad, who I noticed was already gone by the empty driveway.

Although we had similar features, I stood out with blue eyes and a paler complexion, which I had received from my mothers family. Something my dad seemed to remind me of as he stared at me in what seemed like disgust. 

"Hey L, I don't even get a 'hello sis' anymore? What's going on with you lately?" I didn't want him to think that I was attacking him but I rarely saw him and I was beginning to get worried.

"Nothings wrong?" He scoffed and got up leaving the kitchen before I could say anything else. I sighed to myself as I thought that he would get over this face, hopefully.

I turned my attention back to Gabe, he was distracted at the moment playing with his Batman and spiderman action figures and had climbed up on the table. He has been going through superheros for the past 2 months, last month he was spiderman and this month he turned to Batman. I'm not sure what he will be next month but it sure is cute, especially when he's just in his cape and underwear. Sometimes, however, he doesn't have his undies in the right place and I have to go chasing him around before he runs outside for everyone to see everything hanging out.

I suddenly heard my phone ring so I told Gabe I would be right back to start breakfast. It was almost like he didn't hear me and kept playing. I ran to my room to try to find it. Although my room wasn't messy, I struggled but finally grabbed it from under my covers.

"Hello?" I answered out of breath as I made my way back to the kitchen but not before seeing Gabe sitting on the couch watching cartoons. I let it slide since it would give me an opportunity to make his breakfast. 

"Wow what a beautiful voice to be waking up to."

"Aiden stop playing, I had to run up the stairs to get my phone." I replied back. Aiden always liked to make me feel special. I always told him that he was the only guy who could think that. He had to since he felt responsible having known me for so long.

"Thanks for leaving me behind yesterday." I heard Aiden laugh on the other end.

"Shit, sorry Aiden that jackass was getting on my last nerve and I wasn't thinking properly." No way was I going to tell him that the Jaxon had stared at me left me feeling nervous and 

"Well I know how you can make it up to me," and even though I couldn't see him I knew he had an evil little grin that always got me into trouble.

"I don't know, every time I have to make up something you end up getting me in trouble. Remember last time? I had to flirt my way out of getting arrested and it really isn't something I want to repeat." I knew that in the end I would agree to whatever his crazy plan were and he knew it too.

"It isn't anything like that, we are going to go to the new club that opened up yesterday. I heard it's one of the sickest clubs out there and only a few can get in but I have some pretty good contacts, me being me."

"God, you are such a cocky son of a bitch but fine. I guess I could use some time away but first I have to find someone to take care of Leo and Gabe. I already had Leo take care of Gabe last night and-" but before I could finish he stopped me.

"Don't worry I can get my sis to take care of them and i'll pay her a few bucks so its good! I will see you at 10," and with that he hung up.

As I out my phone down and began making pancakes. I already knew I was going to regret going out tonight. 

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