You Own Me

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Desire eating at me every minute, every second.

A bloodlust that needs to be satisfied urgently.

Blood running hot, goosebumps ripple my body,

Unable to satisfy the beast that yearns to escape.

Your touch locked in my head; driving my mind into madness.

Non-stop day dreams over-take my mind, contolling them.

A kiss, a touch.. lust blinding my eyes, submissive to only you.

I can't take anymore, fore I can't stop thinking about you;

Wishing you were here to take away the pain.

A fire burns deep inside me; loins unable to rest feeling just as hot.

Molten kisses melt into my head, nearly feeling it on my lips.

Oh, the things I want to do to you...

Nothing unable to stop my sudden ideals of passion.

Obsession creeping into addiction; needing my fix.

I don't give a damn anymore, my eyes can no longer see;

Blinded again and again as my subconscious fills with only you.

Grab me, bite me, pleasure me...

Not enough time each night to do it all.

Needing and wanting to devour you whole until I scream your name.

Craving you twenty-four, seven.. still no time to feed my every need.

I can't imagine how my life would be without your pull.

Feed my addiction, baby, fill me every night.

Consume my lips, dominate the heat the radiates off of me..

My hips your haven and my thighs your delectable liquor.

High and drunk, you disorientate me; I plead for it to never cease.

Shoot me up, fill my desire and the spell of compulsion you bewitch me with;

Eyes dialated, heart racing out of my chest running away from my lungs.

Take me far away into the delicious hell of your hypnotic ecstasy.

Bury your body against mine as the monster inside me emerges;

Clinging desperate to you, not needing anyone else.

A withdrawl peaks further everyday I'm not in your arms.

My vocalcords broken into shreds, awaiting you;

Unsure of how you make me feel so goddamned pychotic.

You shove my desires to a point of no return;

A line that we had crossed long before.

I am irrevocably yours, you own me in every way possibly existent.

Commence the countdown, you'll always have me.

All I ask of you is to keep my lustive need with you forevermore.

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