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Silky petals rest on the ground peacefully,

The breeze tusseling them away.

Everytime I see you, the petals seem to stay.

The wind gets very quiet, everything stands still,

I feel like the entire world freezes in time

Just knowing tha for forever you seem to be mine.

A love sparks, though the silence makes my cheeks flush.

Awaiting for the aound of your voice to ring clear,

My body aching for you to touch me; to hold me near.

Pressed to your chest, hearing your beating heart.

Just one look as I blush peering at your face,

Your fingertips on my skin making my heart race.

The flowers are in bloom tonight, as is our love.

The world standing still, nothing daring to stir

Except the two of us, passion arising waiting to occur.

Your kisses soft velvet to my lips,

Your touch bringing sancuary; me grabing at your skin.

Your possesive gravity overtaking me, kissing away the sin;

Overcome with the love I have been holding back.

Blossuming love springs up from the pain we both endured,

Freeing our souls, now riding undisturbed.

Yearning for so long to have you to myself,

To hold you every night through thick and thin;

To have you by my side being the only one I let in.

Never let me go, I wouldn't be able to survive.

Your love gives me the strength to thrive and function,

Making me want to be a better peson than live in dysfunction.

I love you for who you are, and what you will always be,

Especially when you will be living life next to me.


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