Destroyed and Broken

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The world is dark, the shadows consuming me whole.

My life is but just a game, my heart becoming a black hole.

My heart is just used and its strings pulled until there is nothing left.

All anyone does is lead me on, give me temporary happiness.. the feeling I know all too well and deft.

Once times get harder, they leave me high and dry;

Why must I go through this sorrow when all i want to do is fly?

Broken are the chains of my trust, shattered are the dreams I held dear.

All I wanted was to hold you near.

You betrayed your promises, they were empty from the start.

Instead of working with me, you tore me apart.

All my eyes do now is rain tears, my soul falling into pieces.

My life already torn apart for you, the edges of my patience folded in creases.

When will the pain stop, when will the story come to an end?

I never wanted you leave, but now I must bend.

You are either with me or you're not.

You either need to give me everything you are and will be; which is what we sought..

Or swallow your sympathy and walk away.

My choice was already made from the very first day.

Just because the road gets bumpy and course,

Doesn't mean you cower in fear and remorse.

You must face them head-on, headstrong until they are defeated,

But you left me alone to face the problem that we BOTH heated.

My life is no longer stable where I am,

I gave up everything so we could stand.

Make your choice, make your move.

The chess board is clear and only one motion will make this storm soothe.

Your impatience and immaturity shows immaculate and weak.

I already came up with solutions to fix this drought, but silence from me you seek.

I will never give in, but my heart is deep within the darkness now.

Only your light can save me, fore you staked this vow.

Your promised me forever and always, you gave me your permenant word.

Now live up to your promise, throw pride away and you shall be heard.

I love you entirely, my everything is yours to take...

But I need you to never give up, there is always a loophole to wake.

The Night SkyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora