Caged Desires

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As the light of the day rolls over to the night,

My thoughts go astray trying to reign them in with all my might. 

You on my mind; you through my heart.. 

Every decision tearing my body apart. 

Every desire that lurks to please to your every whim, 

Creeps under my skin surely to win.

I want you to be the blade of my knife,  

Desire you to be the blood i draw from every life.

Murderous and savage, every need primal and enraged. 

The feelings I have for you wrongfully caged. 

Free me, let me loose.. seize my soul; 

The chills shivering my bones, devouring me whole. 

You awaken a bloodlust I haven't felt before. 

Nothing compares to the feeling forevermore. 

Only now dred shrouds my every thought 

Hoping mutually the flame was caught. 

The essence of an attraction.. no.. addiction 

Give my life so much friction. 

Nothing will stop me from murdering at your side, 

Your murderous warrior princess of pride.

Take me as a whole til i am no more, 

Breathe in all my air, my lungs will sore.  

Nothing brings me such great joy and contentment 

Than, finally, being your every fulfillment.

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