Discovering You

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Darkness finds itself wrapping around me once more.

No light will find its way inside any of my doors.

The only prosperity I ever knew is long gone, as is the faith I held inside my heart.

Broken in pieces, my body dismembered and falling apart.

I feel nothing, but shame and regret.
"It can't be.. don't give up yet."

Alas, my heart can take no more of this pain that consumes me.

The darkness feeds of it and now it has been set free.

Promises empty, lies seeping through the cracks.

Your love had me stopped dead in my tracks.

I promised to never fall, I caught myself, but it were already too late;

Fore you stole my breath even before you opened the gate.

My walls came crumbling, ages it took to get them back in place.

Now they sit in shambles while my heart dies the more I tend to stare at your face.

Your eyes leave scars in my very memory and dreams,

Your mind still invading mine with all your lustive schemes.

I can't and won't ever get you out of my mind

Because, no matter how much I try, love sinks further unable to leave you behind.

What have you done to me?

You have taken all that I am and now you are all I see.

Why must this be a goodbye?

Don't run away from the emtional imbalance and make our love die.

I know you are afraid, I know you are hurting badly

But don't forget that you are not the only soul with anger, sadly.

Come back to me, don't let the darkness consume me once more.

Bring back the old smile I used to wear that I thought was gone, but you always adore.

I can't help the way I feel with you.

It's not a mistake, my heart took a large intake of breath or maybe a few.

You took me by surprise, but you have given me strength.

A strength I never knew I could have again, and I would possess at any great length.

You are my muse, you are my truth.

You have seen every side of me, you gorgeous amazing sleuth.

Words were exchanged and hearts were broken,

But I won't give up.. the chains are off my heart and love has awoken.

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