My Forever And Always

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No matter how much time passes, you're always there.

I can't run away from it anymore finally ready to dare.

You're constantly on my mind... I can't help it.

Your name leaves my lips unfiltered, memories always loosening their wit.

Not one minute passes when I'm not thinking about you.

Your beautiful eyes clouding my judgment completely through.

Before, I couldn't admit it to myself how much I missed everything you are and were.

Your voice... Melting down every barrier I had you stirred.

Your embrace... Making me weak and been to your will.

Your eyes... Piercing through the darkness that you kill.

Your kiss... Wishing once more that I can feel your lips,

Needing your love at my fingertips.

After so many lonely and sleepless nights without you,

I can finally admit what I was missing and why I was so blue.

I wish to apologize for every wrong thing I've done.

You deserve better than me you're not easily won.

But.... I can't stand the thought of another woman in your arms.

It needs to be me that has to be seduced by your charms.

I need you, don't you see that?

You're my every dream, thought, breath... God, I need you and that's a fact.

Please forgive me, baby.... I can't endure being alone for much longer.

The loneliness that can no longer condone and you make me stronger.

Be mine again, you're my one and only. 

I know I've made mistakes, but loving you was never one and now I'm forever lonely.

I look at all of our pictures, all of the good times...

All I want is to have those times back when neither one of us had done any crimes.

My heart has always been yours from day one.

You'll always be mine when it comes to my heart, my lovable fun.

To be by your side forever is an honor and a blessing.

Just wish I had your heart and your soul with mine, forever caressing.

I miss you with all of my heart

Being away from you is the worst part.

My tears will will be for naught,

For I will grasp the love from you of which I sought.

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