Ocean of Confusion

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My heart lain in a wave of love, beating fast and incessant.

The shine of the moon shone through brightly, the silver mysterious crescent.

Everything was aligned so beautifully, complete perfection.

But, alas, not everything in life can ever be held in divine protection.

Happiness was slain within a few moments in time,

Completely unaware of what I did, accused of a crime.

My surprise shone more than anything, nothing making sense anymore.

My heart drowning in sorrow and pain forevermore.

My heart told no lies, my soul held no facades or falsities.

All I feel now is confusion and sadness, knowing nothing but tragedies.

All I wish is my ocean of happiness to return.

Now all I feel is my body giving up, ready to burn.

The love I had just ignores me now as my soul dims to an ember.

The only person to get behind my walls that has been up as long as I can remember.

All I want is his love and affection, his arms wrapped around me eternally.

Nothing is the same, my pain returning slow and tears staining my cheeks externally.

The euphoria if the past few months already dimming.

Yearning for my love to just accept me before the waves stop thinning.

The ocean of love starting to brew a thunderous storm,

The waves tossing and turning, fire in my heart barely warm.

I desire to understand where it all went wrong;

We were both content singing our shimmering song.

Our hearts now at sea, the tides pulling us further apart.

I never wanted you to leave me from the start.

We are made for each other fore no one has ever completed me as such.

Just needing to feel your pleasured words soothe me and your everlasting touch.

Help me understand, help us be free.

You are the only one I will ever see.

Don't push me away, my love; I know things are getting difficult,

But I don't want to give up on the amazing feeling of love we built.

You are everything I need and more..

You are the only man I will ever adore.

Talk to me, love, as our time is starting to run out.

There is nothing in this world that I want more than you, no slight doubt.

Be with me.. take me.. suffocate me in your love.

Soon enough I am going to give in and travel the vast ocean to find you push comes to shove.

I love you with every bone in my body, every vein.

Don't throw it all away, please show me the way for us to reign.

It won't be easy, but I have faith in us both that the water will pull us back together.

Join me once more, love, and lets conquer the harsh weather.

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