" Yes?...."

" Yoongi is fine...." She utters.

" Oh okay cool. I'm just gonna check on him real quick-" I turn around and Call on him on my phone. After a few rings Sara's phone starts to ring and I turn around to look at her frozen in her spot. She digs inside her purse, pulls out her phone and stares at the ID.

" It's just my best friend." She chuckles and moves away from me as I continue waiting.

" Hello?" I hear yoongi's soft low voice on the other line.

" Yes Yoongi?"

" Mnn." He hums.

" I'm here with your sister now and she told me that you feel sick, how are you doing? and are back at the dorm?" I ask a bunch of questions meanwhile he stutters. I hear cars and a lot of other nonsense in his background which means he is not at the dorm."

" Uh yeah! yeah! I'm not feeling too well so I'm here watching TV at the dorm."He says confusing me a lot. I don't even hear the TV.....Is he lying to me? I'll just let it pass and ask him later.... But why is he lying to me?

" Okay cool. Just...be safe okay? See ya later at the dorm." I hang up still a bit worried and a bit skeptical towards him. I turn my attention back at Sara behind me who is smiling at me shyly with both her hands behind her back while swinging which is so cute I just wanna pinch her cheeks.

" So what did your friend say?" I ask Sara and she looks else where for a few seconds.

" Um...Just girl stuff." Sara says sounding uncertain.

" Oh okay. Wanna go inside?" I point inside the building and Sara gasp, taken aback.

" Um...I feel like spending the day outside...I'm tired of being inside all the time." she explains and I nod my head making a mental note that Sara likes to probably hang out outside a lot.

" Okay Then we should walk around then, Get a view at the kind of stuff here." I say trying to be less awkward because I want us, especially her to have a good time and to become very comfortable with each other. Just enough for her to trust me and want to speak to me when she needs help.

" Yeah sure." She smiled sweetly and we begin to walk in the left direction where a bunch of stores should be located. I suddenly thought of buying her something pretty but meaningful..Mmm I wonder what it should be.

Me and Sara enter this jewelry store just for fun and look at all of the shiny gold and silver necklaces, lockets, rings and bracelets. We crack some familiar jokes and she spots this one necklace and keeps staring at it. I follow behind her and look at the jewelry that looks like it's both for men and women.

" Ahem!" I cough and she turns around surprised.

" Omo you scared me." She chuckles showing me that lovely smile that looks so much like Yoongi! Well duh Namjoon they are twins! but still her smile is beautiful and charming.

" I did? I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I respond giggling at her reaction.

" We should get going." She says and I look one last time at that necklace.

" Uh yeah sure, hold on a bit." I go back inside and let her wait for me outside. After I'm back I join her outside with a small brown bag in my hand.

" What did you buy?" She asks me.

" Nothing speacial." I shrug my shoulders. " Here hold it, and don't open it or look inside until the end of this erm....D-date. Okay?" I give her a warning look and she nods her head. " Okay cool. Let's go!" I sprint around the store and she follows right after me while laughing so cutely. We enter another store and another, looking at everything we find interesting and commenting on them. Sometimes Sara likes to hide behind mannequins and I have to look for her.

Miss Cute | SugaMonWhere stories live. Discover now