As he called for Lauren, I took in his features, he had tattoos from his neck, down his chest, and arms. With a loud scream I was knocked outta my thoughts with Lauren hollerin and hugging me.

Hugging her back she invited us in. I knew my best friend was a model but an unsigned one, but mama house was bad. Taking in all the details, I thought about my house here in Atlanta and the details I would love it to have. We took a seat in the living room.

After we waited for Lauren to shower and get dressed, we headed out for lunch.

Arriving at TGI Friday's, we all made our way in and got a table for four. After getting our drink orders in, they wasted no time giving me the tea.

Lauren told us about the guy who answer her door. Finding out his name was Chris, and that he owned his own school of performing arts. Just by the way she talked about him, I could tell she really liked him, hell even loved the damn man. I was just confused as to why she's only seeing him as in casual sex. They have yet to put a title on their "relationship".

I knew Lee told me about this young man name Odell she's dating and that she really liked him, but she claim in the same token of dating him, she's still single. She still wants me to meet him. Agreeing to meet him before I leave, the waitress brung us our drinks. After ordering appetizers, we got back to the tea.

Erika said she was still with Trey, which was no surprise to me. They had been dating since our sophomore year of college and he was an undergrad. She told me they have been trying to have a baby, but haven't been so lucky. Giving her a hug, I know how much she loved that man and wanted to do any, and everything to make, and keep him happy.

After all the tea was gone, the attention was on me.

"So, Fall wassup with your love life?" Lauren asked taking a sip of her margarita.

All eyes where on me as I prepared to get cussed out by Lauren and lecture by Erika.

"Girl, I'm to busy focused on my company to be worried about a man." I stated honestly waving her off.

"Look, best....we know Na-"

"Look, I didn't come out here for y'all to lecture me about my love life, and it damn sure don't have shit to do with Nathan." I snapped before sipping on my raspberry tea like kermit.

Nodding there heads with understanding, I knew they just wanted the best for me, and didn't mean any harm by it, but truth is because of Nathan, I don't trust these niggas. Point, blank, fucking period.

Breaking the awkward silence that fell upon the table Lauren spoke up.

"Well, If you want to try dating again, Chris got a friend I could introduce you too. That's if you want." She said popping a buffalo boneless wing into her mouth.

"Okay, If I consider the offer, I will let you know." I said, not really interested in seeing anybody.

"Well sis since your here in town and its your first night, what are you going to do?" Lee asked as they looked at me for an answer.

Shrugging my shoulders, I replied, " I don't know, probably just relax." I said, knowing I fucked up with that answer.

"Hell No! Your getting yo thick pretty ass out of that funk, we hitting up the club!!" Lauren said dancing in her sit as Lee joined in.

"That way you can meet Odell sis." Lee said.

"Yeah, I can see if Trey want to come, you haven't seen him since graduation." Erika chimed in.

"So, basically y'all inviting y'all niggas , while I'm third wheel? Really??? No thank you, I'll keep my ass at the hotel and watch movies on Netflix and chill by myself." I said growing upset.

"Fall don't be like that." Lauren said pouting.

Waving her ass off, I sat back in my seat and pulled out my phone.

Nathan had been apologizing, one of the main reasons why I wasn't Interested in another man, he said he changed and wanted me to give him another chance. Lord, if my best friends knew this nigga was trying to be in my life again as my man, there would be hell to pay.

Sliding my phone back into my purse, I heard Lauren say some about "yeah E, he would be perfect for her." Nodding in agreements, Erika looked at me, "Oh you going out tonight and be ready by 9".

Waving her off, I called the waiter over for the check.

Sorry for ANY ERRORS


Author Jiaye



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