Letter 2

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Day 8

Dear Micheal,

Even though you aren't letting me sleep in the bed with you, I still love you. I'll make you extra happy whenever you get up. I know you like it when I chase my tail, should I do that when you get out of bed? I just want to make you happy.

The food you give me is so much better than the food at the shelter, and it comes in a pretty bowl with my name on it! Thank you for being my human, even though you get mad when I pee in the house. At the shelter I didn't have to go outside to pee, I'm so used to that. I'm sorry.

I love you, Micheal, you gave me a home for the first time in a long time. The people at the shelter thought that I was never going to be adopted. They started talking about something called euthanasia, I think. I don't know what that means, but I think they were going to try extra hard to get me adopted with it! I think it worked, because you came along.

Love, Monty.

Letters From a Lost TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora