Letter 1

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Day 1

Dear Micheal,

Thank you so much for bringing me home from the shelter! I've been there for a hundred years. It felt like a hundred, at least. I heard that it was only four, but I don't believe that. I've had a few owners, but none of them kept me for long. They wanted a puppy, I couldn't deliver. Now I have you! You said you'll keep me forever, no matter what!

You told me you loved me, that was the first time I had heard that in a long time. I love you too. You're giving me a home and so much attention.

You even gave me a house in the back yard all to myself! You've given me treats and a bed and some yummy food. You are the best human I've ever met, and I've been with lots of them.

I'll love you forever and ever, Micheal, and I'll do everything I can to make you happy.

Love, Monty.

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