Letter 13

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Day 150

Dear Micheal,

I'm so glad you came home yesterday, I missed you so much. You were gone so much, but I've wanted nothing more than to be inside and get your love again. I know that woman yelled at you when you got home. I heard my name a couple times, partnered with the phrase 'just a stupid dog', but I know you still love me, don't you?

I've had a lot of owners call me a stupid dog, or something worse, but they didn't care about me after a few months. They had been able to claim they rescued a pup, but they really don't care too much. You're different though, sir, I love you forever and ever.

You fed me and it was the first time in a week, I was so hungry, thank you sir. I hope I can make you happy again. You were crying earlier, but you pushed me down when I tried to make you feel better. I thought, maybe, I could sit on your lap and you could pet me, just like you used to.

The woman slammed the doors, I know that's not good, but I wish you would be happy again. 

Love, Monty.

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