Fairground Fun

Depuis le début

I hear the sound of a heavy door closing and look to my Left, out of the open window, and see Beatrice walking towards the car.

I had trouble containing my excitement seeing her wearing my clothes let alone this ensemble she was wearing now.

She had on a pair of denim shorts, revealing her tan nicely, with a brown skinny belt. She also had on a really nice white lace top that made her look so elegant. If I had only seen these pieces of clothes I would say that it wasn't really her style, but with it paired with her regular black converse and her hair falling freely to her waist, I knew that this was just Bea making an effort. Was that all for me? Probably not.

She hopped into the passengers seat of my car and I pretended I didn't notice, brushing dust off of my car interior.
"So where are we going then?" She chirps, clapping her little hands together once.
"Well, there are some things I need to get, so we're going into town." I say, still not really paying her much attention, turning the key of my car.

She shrugs and quips "okay" as my car revs into action.

It is no surprise that once we get onto an empty road that I can speed down, she opens up her window and leans her head on the side, on her bent arm, letting her hair whip around her once more.

I steal a glance at her and see that her eyes are closed and her mouth is quirked up at the sides. Despite everything this girl has gone through, she still manages to look... Content.

Once we arrive at the town centre the sun is blazing down warming the tarmac and the streets are filled with clipping shoes and tittle tattle, the odd baby screaming here and there. We head towards the car parts shop that I had initially come for.

Once inside, I can tell that Bea is very out of her depth. She's wandering around poking things, like a bored child.

I just needed to order a few parts for my car and was just waiting now to see if they were in stock, at the desk, when Beatrice's little body comes bobbing over to me. I look down at her and she smiles sweetly. I pretty much ignore her, the guy behind the desk, however, does not.

"And you are?" He says suggestively to Beatrice, and I was about to step in, because I know from experience that this guy is bad news, and that's the only reason.

However before I have a chance, Bea grabs onto my arm and chuckles,
"I'm Warren's current treat of the week!" And tips her head back laughing sarcastically, obviously meaning to show this guy she's not interested.

At first I was shocked, but then, I realised that Bea is smart, and that against most guys, she can handle herself.

She's gorgeous. She must be used to this attention.

Once we're out of the shop, she unlatches herself from my arm and spots me staring at her,
"What? I needed to save myself from starey in there, and you were my only prop!" She says through a chuckle.
"Where to now then?" She says enthusiastically, placing her hands heavily on her hips.

I look around me, looking for inspiration. I spot a fairground ride protruding from over a building, in the distance. It's the ride where there are swings handing from a disc and that disc spins. I smirk knowingly and untwine my fingers with Bea's,
"This way." I order.

When we arrive at the fair I see that there are many other rides: a carousel, a haunted house, a mirror maze, the twister, the waltzers and one of those awful things where they take you up and drop you down without warning.

I look at Bea and see her face light up and she turns to look at me, giving me an energetic nod.

First of all I take her to the swings that I had first noticed. I give the money over without thinking and we climb in. She kicks her legs while we wait to be raised into the air, causing our seat to sway.

It raises and she squeals excitedly, however, I had not quite contemplated how high we were going to be raised and as she kicks her legs and our swing rocks back and forth my stomach begins to flip

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It raises and she squeals excitedly, however, I had not quite contemplated how high we were going to be raised and as she kicks her legs and our swing rocks back and forth my stomach begins to flip. She sees the look on my face and chuckles,
"Relax Warren. At least if we die, we die together."
"Somehow that thought doesn't comfort me at all," I retort.

As it begins to spin and we travel at more of an angle I grab the bar across our laps tightly, hoping for something stable, instead, under one of my hands I feel Bea's warm hand...but I'm too scared to remove mine from it. She looks at me and smirks.

She slowly peels my hand off of the bar using both hands, then does the same with the other hand. I look at her uncertainly but she says,
"Relax, by the time you're thirty, you'll be too big to go on this ride. You may as well enjoy it with me," she says earnestly.

She lifts her arms up in the air with gusto. Whoooooo she screamed, her hair trailing behind her. I hesitantly do the same and raise my arms.

"Scream Warren!" She bellows.

I whoooo and find my body relaxing. Once my body relaxes I enjoy the feeling of the wind on my skin and the amazing view of all of the town. Once again, Beatrice has managed to make me see things from a different point of view... Literally.

Once we get off of the ride Beatrice looks ridiculous. Her hair is bedraggled and has unimaginable volume but her wide smile is still allowing her beauty to shine through the mess.

"Where next?" I say, sounding like an excited little boy, she gets a mischievous look in her eye and grabs onto my sleeve.

"The haunted house." She says. So to the haunted house we go.


Hey guys!

First of all: thank you for anyone who has even gotten this far!

Would you let me know if you'd like me to continue this story or not? I'm really enjoying writing this but I just want to know whether to publish it or not!

Don't forget to vote and comment you lovely people!

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