Chapter 23: I Swear I Smelt You

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Who ships Armin x Erwin? I kinda do, it's a little cute. 😘😍
I know, what a weird title for this chapter.

3 days before the wedding

LEVI'S POV (wolf form)

I laid there, in my cave, as Petra planned the wedding. It was really annoying, I would go outside but there is no need, since Eren is gone.
"Ooo Levi! What about this?" Petra yelled. I glanced behind my back to see her holding light green and light blue colored flowers.
"Eren." I said under my breath. This flowers remind me of Eren's gorgeous eyes.
"What was that Levi?" Petra questioned me.
"Nothing." I turned back to the rocky wall as Petra continued to plan the wedding.

I never felt so completely lonely, well except for the time when my parents died. I just wish that everything I love, doesn't go away. My world felt so empty and broken, it felt like my life was nothing without Eren. I have grown so close to Eren that I don't even know what to do with my life when he's gone.
"I'm going out." I finally said in a firm tone. Before Petra could say anything else, I ran outside. I didn't stop, even when I was outside of the pack.
I turned into my human version throwing my green hood over me as I walked through the village. ( I don't know were he got the green cape.)
Everyone looked so happy today, I hate it. For some reason, the people's happiness just made me even more miserable. I scowled even more as such violent acts ran through my head.
Then suddenly a wave of a familiar scent hit me. I looked at the closest shop that was in my range and ran inside.
"Eren!" I yelled as I swung the door open. Everyone looked at me with either a surprised look or scowling look. I looked around to see was a bar filled with bounty hunters and just animal hunters.
It sure made me nervous a bit. I smelt the air one more time but nothing came through, only alcohol.
"My apologies. Please go back to your beverages." I said.
"Don't worry about it." the bartender said. I turned around, walking out.

I swear that was Eren's scent


I laid there in the room as Erwin sat at a wooden desk writing stuff down. My arms and legs were chained to the wall and my mouth was muffled by a rag.
I just hung there for hours, no end. I can tell that my skin under the chains was beginning to become raw. And I also felt really gross. With being pregnant and all I had a lot of mood swingings and cravings and bathroom usage. I demanded so much stuff that Erwin stuffed my mouth with this piece of cloth.
As everything was silent in the room a loud bang was heard from the front and also yelling that made my heart drop and I tried my best to call out.
"Eren!" Levi came for me. I started to pull away from the wall, trying to rip off the chains but didn't budge at all.
Erwin came up to me, pinning me against the wall covering my mouth.
"Any noise from you the you'll get punished." I gulped and trembled in fear.
Erwin grabbed a bottle of wine that was on his desk then pouring the entire bottle on my head. I tried not to get a single drop in my mouth because it was unhealthy for the baby. (Eren is gonna be such a great mom/papa)
A convo was going on outside then silence once again. Suddenly the man who kidnapped comes strolling in with a waiters outfit on.
"That was a close one Erwin. How much longer do we need to wait?" he leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms.
"Just a few more days trust me. Then he'll be all yours. Plus wouldn't it be fun if we destroyed their wedding with both packs at a war?"
They both laughed like a fricken maniac. Suddenly the stranger that captured me, comes up to my face. I looked away but then he forced me to look at him as he grabbed me chin.
"Very soon. Then you'll be all mine." he smirk grew bigger while I trembled even more.

Oh Levi, save me and the baby, please.

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