Chapter 10: I Have The Same Feelings Too

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Ever since Eren came back home yesterday from his little walk, he's been acting a little strange or a lot strange. He kept on smiling none stop & getting lost in thought. I asked what's wrong but he just tells me that he just had a wonderful day. I know he is hiding something but what is it. Well what ever he is hiding, will eventually come out because you can't hide it forever.

EREN'S POV (wolf form)
OH MY GOD!!! Levi kissed me yesterday & I'm so happy!
I need to tell him how i feel about him too, but how i need to think. 'Think Eren, think. How can you see Levi again'
"Eren? Eren! EREN!!!" I was suddenly snapped back into reality.

"Huh? What? Sorry Armin, I wasn't paying attention" I need to act like myself before they find out my little secret.
"Yea i know. Anyways Eren, are you feeling ok? You haven't been acting like yourself ever since you came back home from your walk" I need to calm down & make up a story that's all i have to do.

"Yea I'm feeling totally fine. It's just that i feel so happy because umm... i finally got fresh air from being in the cave for a whole entire week"

"Umm Ok. What ever you say" Ok good he bought the story, I'm alright.
"I thought you were hiding something from us. Mikasa thought you were friends with a black wolf & not telling us but you hate black wolves & that's a fact" Oh shit Mikasa is right but thanks for them knowing that i hate black wolves puts me into safety. I started to get a little sweaty & shaky that Armin notice me.

"Eren, are you sure your ok because you look kind of worried, are you sick?"
"Oh no I'm ok trust me i just need a little sleep then I'll be fine ok. Bye" I ran off to were my cave was trying to calm done.

I suddenly got really scared when something pulled me into the bushes & stepped on top of my mouth (just like the cover picture) to prevent me from screaming then i looked up to see LEVI!!?? How did he get here? But more importantly how did he not get noticed? He let me go & sat down, i got up to see him scratching (the way dogs scratch, just letting you guys know) SO CUTIE!!! It was so cutie that it made me chuckle a little bit which got Levi's attention.

"What are you laughing about?" I stopped chuckling immediately.
"Oh just you scratching because it's so cutie"
"& how is scratching cutie?"
"Just how you do it makes it cutie"
"Ugh whatever. Meet by the waterfall once everyone in your pack falls asleep & you better there"
"Don't worry Levi i would be there. Well i better get going before anyone notices I'm gone"
"Bye brat" With that he licked my cheek & left before i could even say bye too. I ran out of our hiding spot & ran to my cave waiting until everyone falls asleep.

While i was on my way back to the cave i ran into my dad.
"Oh hey dad"
"Son. I'm gonna be going to a meeting for a week so please don't do anything stupid"
"Yes father should i tell Mikasa?"
"No i have told her already. Well I'll be on my way"
"Ok, bye father"
"Bye Eren"
I looked at him while he walked away then made my way back home.


Finally everyone has gone to sleep, so i made my way out the cave has quickly possible but got stopped by Mikasa's, shit.

"Eren? Were are you going?"
"I'm just gonna get some fresh air but don't worry I'll be back until the sun rises, i promise"
"You also better come back unharmed"
"I will promise, night" She mumbled goodnight & went back to sleep. I guess she's very tired. I thought to myself & left to see Levi.

5 minutes later i made it YAY!!! I turned into a human & saw Levi standing in the moon light which made him look more cutie. I walked up to him, clearing my throat that made him come back to reality.

"Tch. Finally what took yo... EREN!!" I tackled him into a hug which made us both fall to the ground.
"EREN WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!??" I let go of the hug & i got up kind of sitting on him, looking straight into his eyes then yelling "LEVI I LOVE YOU TOO!!!" & with that i put both of our lips together. A minute later i let go of the kiss & pulled Levi up. I looked at me then gave me a big hug which of course i hugged back. We both walked to were we always would sit. It was silent for a few seconds until he broke the silence.

"I glad you love me too... but... there is something i need to tell you"
"Ok what is it?" He pulled into his lap so i cuddled into his chest.
"It's sunday right?"
"Yea. Why?"
"Well by the end of this month I'm gonna turn 25"
"Is that all?" He shook his head & opened his mouth to speak.
"Right after i turn 25 i gonna get married & gonna be the new alpha of my pack" I felt my heart break & it wasn't a good feeling but i wanted to know who he was gonna marry.

"So... is this girl your marrying?"
"I'm marrying Petra, the princess of white wolves" I knew who she was sometimes she would visit our pack but not all the time. I kept on thinking about Levi marrying someone who is not me which made me cry.

"Huh? Eren please don't cry. I don't like to see you sad like this, it breaks my heart" He pulled my face up to his, closed his eyes & put his four head on my four head with my eyes close too.
"But just... the thought of you... marrying someone else... breaks my heart" I said between sobs.
"Eren" He pulled my face up gentle to look at him in the eye
"I Would try everything in my power to bring us together, i promise" I fell asleep in his arms but still a little awake at the same time.

I could feel him pick me up bridal-style to take me somewhere. Suddenly felt something little warm under me which felt kind of like a bear fur.
"I love you Eren. Always & forever" He planted a kiss on my head that made me more happy. I felt Levi next to me then something thrown on top of both of us. He hugs me close to his chest like i might runaway. Well i just broke my promise with Mikasa, i wonder what's gonna happen when i get home.

Hey guys very sorry that I'm not posting new story's, it's just that i have a lot of homework which is kind of weird because i don't get a lot of homework. And sorry if this chapter didn't make sense it's because it was pretty late at night & I'm kind of tired so my mind wasn't exactly working with me.
LEVI: Liar

ME: I'm not lying! I'm telling the truth!😫

LEVI: Just tell them the truth that you are a liar

ME:*growls* SHUT UP!!! I'M NOT LYING YOU M***** F*****!!!

LEVI: YOUR THE M***** F***** YOU B****!!!

EREN: Can you guys just shut up, your giving me a headache. *rubs head*

LEVI & ME: STAY OUT THIS EREN!!! *continues to argue*

EREN: Well i hope you guys liked the story. Like & comment.

ME: HEY!!!😫 THAT'S MY LINE. Whatever, well bye guys.😊

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