It came from the book. 📖

Start from the beginning

Mr. Shivers closed the door behind him and locked it. He then headed to and got in his car, and then started it. He backed up out of the driveway and drove off. When the coast was clear, all three of them stood back up. "Alright, come on," Zach commanded.

They all headed towards the fence that separated Zach's house from Hannah's. Jessica carefully stepped onto one of Zach's trashcans and lifted herself over the fence. She then hopped down and landed on her feet in Hannah's backyard. "Come on guys." Jessica quietly told Zach and Champ.

Both Zach and Champ then did the same thing that she did, except Champ stumbled and landed on his butt with a hard thud. "Ouch!" He cried out.

"You okay?" Jessica asked as she and Zach both helped him back up."Yeah, I'm fine." Champ said trying to play it cool. "The only thing that hurts is my pride."

Zach rolled his eyes before quickly sprinting over to the back door and trying to open it, but suddenly stopped when he saw it had a big lock on it."Okay, it's locked." Champ said, thinking they could leave. "What do we do now?"

"I got it." Zach said before taking out a bobby pin from his pocket, kneeled, and began to pick at the lock. And with the sound of a click, the big lock falls off.

"Whoa." Jessica said in amazement. "Where'd you learn that, New York?"

"No, YouTube." Zach said while opening the door. 

  "Ok, we need to find Hannah before her dad gets back." Zach said before getting out a flashlight and shining it in the door. The light showed that there were steps leading down into what must be the basement. "Ok Champ, you stay out here and watch the driveway while Jessica and I go in." Zach said.

"Wait here by myself?" Champ said sounding scared. "Out in the dark? " "Yes Champ, you're our lookout." Zach explained to him. "If he comes back, you just give us a signal like Ha-Hoo! Ha-Hoo!"

"Okay, just so we're clear, if I sense any danger, I will run the other way." Champ explained to him, completely honest.

Zach signed while shaking his head at him. 

"Well when you do, can we count on you to get help?" Jessica asked. "In case Hannah is hurt or her dad comes back, and things get ugly?"

"Ok, sure." Champ said as he slightly started to feel calm, knowing he could get help without getting hurt. "I can do that."

"Ok, let's get going." Zach then said to Jessica, not wanting to waste any more time. "I'll go first"

They both started walking down the stairs, Zach flashing his light around the creepy, dust-filled basement, with Jessica close behind him. They moved forward slowly as an eerie and unsettling feeling started to fill the room. It was too quiet for ether of their liking.

The quiet was then unexpectedly interrupted when a wooden raven came out of a dusty old cuckoo clock. This caused both teens to flinch while letting out an alarmed yelp.

After the raven retreated into the clock and Zach and Jessica were done pissing themselves, they continued to look around, wanting to make sure that nothing else would jump out and surprise them.

But suddenly, someone placed a hand on Jessica's shoulder from behind. This caused her to scream, grab their wrist, and turn around; thinking it was Hannah's dad, only to see it was just Champ.

"What the hell!" Zach furiously said after he screamed as well." You're supposed to be the lookout."

"Ya! Why are you in here?" Jessica said to him after she let him go. "You need to watch for Hannah's dad."

Goosebumps: Monsters Invade Madison {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now