Chapter 20

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"Welcome to my first of many Decepticon Empires," Glowstrike announces with a grin as she reveals herself.

"You won't get away with this, Glowstrike!" Bumblebee retorted.

"Oh, but I already have."

"What have you done with Metalsound and Steeljaw?" Strongarm asked.

"Not sure why you would be concerned about those two but they're in stasis pods," Glowstrike responded. "That glitch will be out of my way so I can take Thunderhoof back," she mumbled.

Windblade transforms to plane mode and flies around overhead, distracting the guards while the others attack before escaping. Strongarm gave one final glance to Windblade before following the others.

"Get them, you imbeciles!" Glowstrike shouts to the other 'Cons. The Decepticons ran out while one of them was carrying an unconscious Windblade.


"Toolbox, which way is the room where the stasis pods are being held?" Strongarm asks wanting to find Steeljaw and get him out.

"Strongarm, do you think it's wise to release him?" Bumblebee asks her with concern.

"With all due respect, Lieutenant, he is my mate now and I love him. I need to free him." Toolbox tells Strongarm where the pods are. "Besides, if anyone is to punish and throw Steeljaw into a pod it's me," she jokes as she begins to run in the direction where Toolbox pointed.

Strongarm finds the room where the stasis pods are and she looks for the one that Steeljaw is in. Once she finds it she opens it to let the Wolf-Con out. Steeljaw opens his optics and sees Strongarm standing in front of him, "Strongarm? What are you doing here?"

Strongarm doesn't say anything, she just punches him really hard causing him to fly back into the pod. He shakes his helm and looks at her, "Wow, they didn't call you Strongarm for nothing. But, why did you punch me?"

"That was for making me your mate without telling me or getting my consent first."

"Oh, you know about that?"

"Yes," Strongarm replied as she walked over to the pod where Metalsound was. She opens the pod and Metalsound steps out.

Metalsound starts snarling, "I'm gonna kill that glitch," she says as she goes over to Thunderhoof's pod to let him out. Once the pod is open and Thunderhoof is awake she hugs him.

"We need to get going," Strongarm announces as she walks over to Steeljaw. "But we're gonna have a big discussion later," she says looking upset.

"I know," Steeljaw replies looking like a sad puppy.

Her upset look turned into relief as she kissed him, "But I am glad you're alright," she said before turning to run out of the room with Steeljaw and the other two running out right behind her. "I think I know where she may be heading," Strongarm said as she made a turn into the main room for the ventilation system. The other three followed her.

They all ran into the ventilation system room and Metalsound leaped into action by biting into Glowstrike's already wounded shoulder. Glowstrike growled when Optimus, Bumblebee, and the Mini-Cons all tried to get her to let go of her weapons. Strongarm runs up and punches her while Steeljaw gets her from behind, they all help in taking her down.

They manage to get Glowstrike down causing her to let go of the Decepticon Hunters. Slowly she got back up, snarling at the group, "Do you really think you can -!?" She was cut off when she felt her feet get stuck into the ground. She looks up to see Bumblebee with the Decepticon Hunters and he made fire to melt the metal followed by ice to freeze it so she's stuck in place.

"Now let's get out of here before the stasis bomb goes off!"

"Lieutenant wait, what about Steeljaw and Thunderhoof? Will they have to stay and be put back into stasis?" Strongarm asks while holding Steeljaw's arm concerned for her mate.

"We'll discuss that once we all get out of here," he told her as he transformed. With his tires screeching he drove off. Metalsound flew after the lieutenant with Thunderhoof right behind her. The others followed and they all headed to the boat and got off the ship just before the bomb went off.

"Why are those three still here?" Sideswipe asked, pointing his thumb to Thunderhoof, Soundwave, and Steeljaw. Oddly enough, Soundwave had stayed put.

"Both Thunderhoof and Steeljaw are mates with Metalsound and Strongarm now, I don't think we can put them into stasis, and Soundwave did help us," Bumblebee replies. Optimus, Ratchet, and Windblade decide to go with the Alchemer to return the prisoners to Cybertron, as well as find out what's going on there.

They all say their farewells before heading off in different directions. "When we get back to the scrapyard we will discuss what we're gonna do with these three," Bumblebee says as they head off. "But in the meantime, they will have to be cuffed."

As they all made their way back, Metalsound and Strongarm stayed close to their mates.


This is the end of this storybook, but don't worry the story will continue, it's just gonna be continuing in another storybook. Glad you all enjoyed this and thanks for all the nice comments. :)

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