Chapter 14

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Once Steeljaw was out of sight, Metalsound quickly made her way to the door. She had just found out from Thunderhoof that Steeljaw had kidnapped Strongarm and was holding her in his room. Using her electricity she unlocked the door, and once inside she locked it behind her. She found the frustrated and confused cadet leaning against the wall. She can't believe Steeljaw went this low to actually kidnap her.

Her ears folded back as Strongarm glares at her for a moment before letting her face relax and looking down to the ground. She wants to go off on the femme for what she did to Bumblebee, but she needs a friend right now. "Hey, Metalsound."

"I'm sure you're mad at me right now for attacking Bumblebee as I did, but I had to make sure you were alright."

"I'm confused, scared, conflicted, and trying to grasp what's going on."

Metalsound could see that she was at her breaking point, "You can't keep this bottled up inside," she whispered. "You need to let it out."

"Thank you, Metalsound, but I'm fine. I just need to grasp what's going on."

"Are you sure you're fine?"

"Yes... I just can't believe he did this. That he would go as far as to kidnap me like this. Was I stupid to believe he was a good mech?"

"You're not stupid, Strongarm. He really does care about you, it's just hard for him to show it. He just panicked when Bumblebee told him he could never see you again."

"Yeah, I know."

Metalsound looks at her for a moment in complete silence before speaking, "I need to go, if he finds me in here no doubt he'll throw a fit. I'll come back later to check on you, I promise."

Metalsound unlocked the door to leave, closing it behind her she gave one last look at Strongarm. Locking the door back she turned to leave, she had to let Bumblebee and the others know that Strongarm was okay. Somehow.


Steeljaw walked onto the bridge where Saberhorn was waiting for him, "Yes, Saberhorn?"

"How is your progress on the Decepticon Hunters?"

"It's coming, just a bit more time and they'll be yours," he replies with a smile but damning himself on the inside because he had actually forgotten about that.

"I see, I understand that this will take some time. Glowstrike is getting a little impatient," he said as he walked over to one of the monitors. "The Mini-Cons have proven to be useful, however, Metalsound has done nothing to help with the repairs of the Alchemor. I've instructed Glowstrike to give Metalsound a few tasks, but Glowstrike's saying that Metalsound refuses to do as she's told."

"Maybe I can talk to her and get her to pitch in."

"I would appreciate that old chap. See if she can get the items on this list, you can go." Saberhorn handed Steeljaw a datapad with a list of different parts. Steeljaw takes the datapad and with a nod, he turns to walk off of the bridge and goes to look for Metalsound.


Metalsound was lying on the top of the ship looking out at the forest. She was still trying to think of how to let the Autobots know that Strongarm was okay. Not to mention she was bored out of her mind, she wanted to do something she didn't care what it was. With an annoyed growl, she rolled onto her back, looking at the sky.

Steeljaw walks up to her and bends over to look her in the face, "Hey, Metalsound."

With a surprised yelp, she quickly got to her paws, she didn't do or say anything other than stare at him.

The Wolf-Con and the Cadetحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن