Chapter 12

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Strongarm couldn't sleep, her processor kept drifting to Steeljaw. "Windblade, are you awake?" She whispered to the other femme.

"I am now. What's up?"

"I can't sleep. I know I messed up big time but, I don't regret it."

"Are you sure he's not playing you?"

"I know he isn't, he's had several chances to catch me off guard but he never attacked. That has to count for something."

"Yeah, but he could also just be waiting for the right opportunity."

"You're right," she sighed. "I don't know what to do anymore. You don't think he could have been lying, do you?"

"Maybe he's just trying to get close to you to get you to let down your guard where he could get the information he wants and free his fellow 'Cons. If you ask me this is all a plot."

"But he has an army already. How many more would he need?" Strongarm tries to reason not wanting to believe it, but the damage was already done.

"I'm betting he wants all the 'Cons that are on this planet because then he can't fail."

Windblade had a point, what if he was just using her to get her to let her guard down so he could later strike and free his fellow 'Cons? "I really am an idiot."

"He seems to be a real sweet talker, I've heard stories of him sweet-talking femmes to get what he wants, he makes them believe he actually cares for them but then abandons them after he gets what he was after, many femmes got their sparks broken by him. Would look like he's doing the same to you, he probably made you feel special and made you think that he really wants to be with you but it's all a ploy to get what he wants. I'm sorry if any of this hurts you, I'm not trying to hurt you I'm just speaking the truth."

"I-I need to go for a drive, I'll be back in half an hour." She struggled to keep herself calm as she slowly drove out of the scrapyard.

"Just be careful."

Unknowingly to the two femmes, Steeljaw was right outside the scrapyard and was listening in on their conversation and heard everything, he dug his claws into a tree he was standing next to, seething. "That wretched witch! How dare she tell Strongarm that stuff and get her against me!?" He sees Strongarm driving out of the scrapyard, alone. "I better talk to her and win her back," he ran off through the woods following her.

Strongarm didn't care where she was going at the moment, she just kept thinking about what Windblade had said to her. Was Steeljaw really just toying with her? Did he mean anything that he had told her? Feeling her tire sink for a split second she pulled off to the side of the road, transforming she checked her ankle. She must have hit a pothole but thankfully there was no damage.

Steeljaw caught up to her and watched her from afar first, then he decided to move in and talk to her. "Strongarm."

With a quiet gasp, the cadet looked up to see the Wolf-Con, "What are you doing here, Steeljaw?"

"I was sitting outside the scrapyard, listening to your conversation with the other femme and I heard what she had told you, then I saw you leave and I followed you so I could talk to you. She doesn't know what she's talking about, Strongarm."

"You were listening? What-that was a private conversation Steeljaw, you shouldn't have been listening. You shouldn't have even been there."

"I was there trying to figure out a way to get to you!"

"And I told you I was going to be alright," she countered with a hardened glare on her face. "Did you really mean it?"

"Yes, I did. I meant everything I told you. It is true what she said, I have been sweet-talking a lot of femmes to get what I want and then would abandon them after I got it but that's not the case here, I meant every word I said, I really love you."

Strongarm's optics widened in shock and hurt, it felt like her spark was breaking. "How do I know you really mean that? How do I know you're not just trying to trick me like the first time we met?"

"The first time I was speaking with my mind, going by an agenda to stay free and help my brothers get free. This time I'm speaking with my spark, still going by an agenda but this time my goal is to fully win your spark and trust."

"And what was your goal before?"

"What I told you, to free my brothers. But ever since I fell in love with you my goal has been to win your love."

"And what about taking over the planet, is that not still your plan? And if you wanted to free the other Decepticons, why are they still working for you?"

"Yes, but I've been finding my mind starting to change on that lately. If I'm to lead them into a time for Decepticons they must do as I say, to be free."

"They shouldn't have to do anything that you say! They should be doing what they want, if they are still doing as you say then they aren't really free!" She yelled in anger.

"Yes, you have a good point there, and they will be free they only have to do as I say until we..." He trails off.

"'Until we' what?" Strongarm asked looking at him in suspicion.

"Until we... um..." He gets cut off by the sound of an engine and someone yelling.

"Strongarm!" Then the car transformed and Sideswipe got between Strongarm and Steeljaw. "You get away from her, Steeljaw!" He gets onto his comm to call Bumblebee. :: 'Bee, I found Strongarm with Steeljaw, you better come! ::

:: On my way, Sideswipe. :: Bumblebee responded.

"Sideswipe?! What are you doing here!?" Strongarm yelled in surprise.

Steeljaw growled in anger as he slashed at the red sports car, "Why must you Autobots always get in my way?!"

"We're not gonna allow you to hurt Strongarm!"

"I would never hurt her!" He roared as he struck Sideswipe with his tail. Sideswipe gets knocked back but then comes back for a strike of his own. Steeljaw blocked the young warrior's attack when a thought occurred to him. "So that's how it is," he whispered to himself. Grabbing Sideswipe by the throat he tossed him towards Strongarm.

Sideswipe hits Strongarm knocking them both out. Sideswipe was later woken up by Bumblebee shaking him, "Sideswipe, Sideswipe, wake up!"

He opens his optics and shakes the webs out of his helm, "'Bee?"

Bumblebee asked him a question that made his spark sink, "Where is Strongarm?"

"She's not here?" Sideswipe asked as he looked to the spot where Strongarm should have been only to see her gone. "Steeljaw must have taken her, I tried to get him away from her but he tossed me into her. Darn it! She was right there!" He growled as he punched the ground.

"Let's get back to the scrapyard and we'll think of a rescue," Bumblebee says as he helps Sideswipe off the ground. Sideswipe sighs as he follows Bumblebee back to the scrapyard.

Once they get there Bumblebee wakes everyone up and gathers everyone together. "Bad news everyone, Steeljaw has taken Strongarm. Windblade, you were supposed to be watching over Strongarm. Why did you let her out of your sight?"

"She said she was going to be back in half an hour and I didn't think she was going to go far. I should have gone with her, especially after you warned us about Steeljaw," she replied as the sun started to rise.

"I heard Steeljaw saying something about freeing the other Decepticons but that was when I jumped in. If I had waited a little longer we would know what he was planning," Sideswipe growled, feeling guilty that Strongarm was in this mess because of him.

"Don't beat yourself up, Slick. If anything I think it's my fault, I shouldn't have told her what I heard about Steeljaw. Maybe then she'd still be here."

"Well, Steeljaw now has Strongarm and we need to rescue her."

"But how are we going to find Steeljaw? We don't know where the Decepticon Island is," Grimlock pointed out.

"That's true."

"Poor girl will be stuck on Decepticon Island with no way of escaping," Windblade says with concern for her friend.

"Yes, and if they find her she will be killed," Bumblebee added feeling concerned and worried for his cadet. They all were worried and wondered if they would be able to rescue her and see her again.

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