Chapter 6

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The sound of the alarms blaring cut through the quietness of the scrapyard. "Brisk has broken into a concert hall and seems to be stealing some sound systems," Fixit announced.

"He's no doubt stealing this stuff for Steeljaw," says Bumblebee.

"Or it could be for someone else," Metalsound put in trying to take some of the blame off of the Wolf-Con.

"I doubt it, Steeljaw released him and made him part of his pack, he's working for him."

"If you say so, I think I'll sit this mission out," Metalsound replied as she slowly made her way to Strongarm. "Can you think of a way to get out of going on the mission?" She asked quietly, "Steeljaw's been asking to see you."

"Uh... sounds like fun, Lieutenant. But I still have some training to catch up on, you have fun at the concert."

"Oh come on, it's a great band."

"Still got training to do, sorry."

"Who's the band?" Metalsound asked.

When Bumblebee told her the name of the group she groaned with disappointment, "Thanks but no thanks."

"Aww, why not? I thought you loved music."

"I do but not incoherent music."


"You can't understand what they're saying."

"That's the whole point!"

"I think I'll help Strongarm with her training," she replied as she followed after Strongarm.

"Alright, suit yourself! Have fun with your training!"

Once Bumblebee was out of sight and Grimlock, Fixit, and Denny were doing their own thing, Metalsound leaned over to the cadet. "You ready?"

Strongarm was feeling a bit nervous about all this but she wanted to see Steeljaw again. "Yeah, I'm ready."

"Then let's go," she grinned as she headed towards the scrapyard's gate. Strongarm followed her.

Metalsound was quiet while she kept an optic out for Steeljaw or any other Decepticon that would probably be lurking in the forest.

"So, you've been keeping in contact with Steeljaw this whole time you were with us?"

"Just a little bit. As I said before, he was worried about you."

"And I'm guessing he's been asking you to help me sneak away to see him."

"Yep," she replied as she came to a halt. Slowly turning her helm she kept an optic out for anything out of the ordinary, any scent that shouldn't be there. This was when she acted more like a Predacon, or an animal that lived in the wild.

"Is someone nearby?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure of who. I'm still getting used to their scents, it's hard to do so when there are so many other Decepticons around at the same time. There are two of them up ahead, just past the river," she explained quietly.

Strongarm gets out her Decepticon Hunter. Metalsound could hear branches snapping as whoever it was, was getting closer. She relaxed as she caught one familiar scent, and giggled when she saw the two mechs. "Thunderhoof came as well, Steeljaw?"

"Yeah, he wanted to make sure everything went well," Steeljaw says mostly keeping his optics on Strongarm, his tail was wagging as he was filled with joy to see her again.

Metalsound giggled as she pushed Strongarm closer to Steeljaw, "Have fun you two."

"Um, hi," Strongarm greeted as Metalsound walked over to Thunderhoof.

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