Chapter 9

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"Strongarm, can you come over here, please?" Bumblebee asks, wanting to talk with the femme.

Strongarm walked over to the lieutenant, "Yes, sir?"

"Strongarm, we're concerned about you, you haven't been yourself lately. Are you feeling alright?" Bumblebee asks with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'm fine, just a little shaken from the other day and I'm worried about the stealth team," she replied, telling the whole truth. She was worried about the stealth team and was wondering when they were going to be back.

"We're all worried."

"Was that all, sir?"

"Are you sure there's nothing else going on?"


"Lieutenant Bumblebee!"

Strongarm and Bumblebee looked over to Fixit who was making his way over to them. "What's the matter, Fixit?"

"There has been a slew- mew- few reports of strange sounds coming from a nearby canyon, where we had our first encounter with Underbite."

"Alright. Grimlock, we got activity!"

"Alright! When do we start punching?" The Dinobot asked as he slammed his fist into his servo.

"I wonder what's going on over there," Strongarm mused.

"We'll soon find out," Bumblebee said as he transformed and drove off. Strongarm followed after him, pulling Grimlock's trailer behind her.


Metalsound and Thunderhoof are at the canyon stomping to see who could make the biggest crater -it was a challenge they made with each other- when they suddenly hear the engines of the Autobots. "Eh, it's the Autobots, they're always coming to ruin the fun."

Metalsound, who was in a spin, didn't fully hear the other Decepticon, with a low roar she slammed her tail into the ground successfully making a hole that was big enough for her to climb out of. Shaking her helm to stop the dizziness she looked up to Thunderhoof. "What about the Autobots?"

"They're coming, I hear their engines."

"Aww just when we were having fun," she pouted as she climbed out of her hole. Shaking off the dust she admired her handiwork.

"That is a mighty big and deep hole."

"Sweet, I'm sure your holes are bigger though, you have a lot more strength than I do," she replied as she leaped onto a nearby ledge to get a good look at the different holes. "We should have labeled who's was who's though."

Thunderhoof gets on his comm. :: Hey, Steeljaw, we're being visited by Autobots. Do you think you could lend a servo in this fight? ::

"Or we could avoid the Autobots and ask Soundwave for a Ground Bridge back to HQ," Metalsound suggested not wanting to fight.

:: Eh, nevermind, Steeljaw. We'll just ask for a Ground Bridge back, guess you won't see your girlfriend then. ::

:: Strongarm's there? Awe men. ::

"Sorry, Steeljaw, maybe next time."

Metalsound could hear Steeljaw growl a bit through the comm, "Yeah, but when?"

Metalsound chuckled as she scribbled a little note for Strongarm before calling the silent mech. :: Soundwave, could you send a Ground Bridge for us? ::

"I really don't believe in running away from a fight, but I will on this occasion."

The portal popped up just a few feet away from the duo, "It may be three on two but I'm exhausted from making the holes. If there is to be a fight I would like to be at full strength," she said to Thunderhoof as she walked into the portal.

"Yeah, I suppose so," Thunderhoof said as he followed her into the portal.

Just as the Ground Bridge closed, Bumblebee and Strongarm pulled up to the canyon. "There's nothing here," Strongarm said in confusion as she transformed into robot mode. She walked around for a while trying to figure out what the fuss was about. She could only see a bunch of holes.

As she looked around she saw something etched on the side of a nearby ledge. It was in the human language, "SJ misses you." Underneath was a set of numbers, with realization, Strongarm quickly put the pieces together, it was Steeljaw's private comm number. Memorizing the number she wiped the message away.

"Did you find anything, Cadet?" Bumblebee asked walking up to her.

"No, sir, I wonder what happened here though," she wondered as she looked at a disappointed Grimlock.

"Not sure, but there are holes everywhere."

"I wanted to do some smashing and punching!" Grimlock says disappointedly.

"Maybe they were looking for something?"

"Like what? What could be out here?"

"Maybe they needed more of the stuff Saberhorn was looking for," Grimlock suggested.

"I doubt they would find it here in a deserted canyon," Bumblebee replies as he starts walking off. "Well, whatever happened it's over now so let's head back to the scrapyard."

Strongarm followed a short distance behind as she contacted Steeljaw. Hopefully, it was a private line.


Steeljaw was lying in his quarters feeling a bit disappointed that he wasn't able to see Strongarm again when he suddenly got a ring on his comm. He wondered who it could be, "Must be Metalsound, she's the only one with my private comm number," he says before pressing his ear to answer the call. :: What is it, Metalsound? Why are you calling me on my private comm? ::

:: Why does Metalsound have your private number? :: Strongarm asked teasingly. She figured they had to have some way to communicate and set up the meetings.

Steeljaw bolted up. :: Strongarm! I gave her my private comlink number so she could call me with information on your status while she was with you guys, and so she could arrange the secret meetings for you and me where the others can't hear and know what's going on. How did you get it? ::

:: She left me a note, saying that you missed me. ::

:: And she left my private comm number? I'll have to thank her when I see her. :: He replies with a big smile on his face, he's so happy that he gets to hear Strongarm's voice again and talk with her once more.

:: I can't talk for long and I think Bumblebee's going to be keeping an optic on me for a while. Can I call you later tonight? :: She asked when she saw the lieutenant slowing down a little.

:: You better, or I'll call you. I'm saving your comm number. :: He replied with a sly smirk on his face.

Strongarm chuckled quietly. :: OK, I have to go. 'Bee's closing in. :: She whispered as she cut off the call. She turned on a random station and turned up the volume a little.

Bumblebee pulls up right beside her, "Is everything alright? You're going mighty slow."

"I was just browsing through the different stations, wanted to see if there was anything good on," she replied as she turned the radio off. "There's nothing all that interesting."

"OK..." Bumblebee could tell something was up, he knew his cadet was hiding something from him and he was going to find out what it was.

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