Chapter 16

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"Ow! Fixit, that hurt!" Jetstorm complained as the other Mini-Con tended to his wounds.

"Apologies, Jetstorm. I'll try to be car-car-car-careful."

"You are lucky to have escaped with your life still intact," Drift scolded the Mini-Con. "A few bruises should make you think in future battles."

"I apologize, Master."

"Just be sure to use your head next time."

"Yes, master," Jetstorm bowed his helm, "Oh, that reminds me, our opponent said that she had a message for all of us."

"What kind of message?" Bumblebee asks stepping towards the small bot.

"She wanted me to inform you guys that Strongarm is safe, Steeljaw has her locked up in his room where nobody can find her."

Bumblebee vents out a sigh of relief, "Thank Primus. But it still makes me uneasy that she's locked up in a room with Steeljaw."

"Are you sure it's not a trick to throw us off?" Sideswipe asked.

"Can't be sure right now. But either way, that means Strongarm's on Decepticon Island. So far in, it would be impossible to get to her," Bumblebee speaks with worry in his tone. "If one of the other 'Cons does manage to discover her she'll be killed."


Strongarm groaned softly as she woke up, when she opened her optics she was face to face with Steeljaw. She lay there watching him for a while, he looked so peaceful. It was a little hard to tell the time save for the orange glow coming from the nearby window. After a while, Steeljaw started waking up, he opened his optics and looked at Strongarm. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you. Did you?"

"Yes," he replied with a warm smile.

There was a little bit of awkward silence for a while, "What time is it?" Strongarm asked breaking the silence.

"Not sure, but I'm betting sometime in the morning. I'm rather surprised you're not pushing me away."

"I figured you deserve a second chance."

"And what helped you come to that conclusion?"

"Well, I've had nothing to do but think. I figured since you acted the way you did, you may want a chance to explain. I know you've already explained it, but is there anything else that I need to know?"

"Not that I can think of."

"What did Saberhorn want?"

"He wanted to know why I've been staying in my room so much lately."

"And what did you say?"

"I told him I find it easier to think when I'm alone and lying down."

"He bought it, just like that?"


"Is there anyone else in charge besides him?"

"Yes, a femme 'Con name Glowstrike," he says with a slight growl.

"Glowstrike? I've never heard of her."

"No, you wouldn't. Why all the questions?"

"Just wondering, I've got nothing else to do here."

:: Steeljaw, I need to have a word with you. :: Saberhorn cuts in over the comlink. :: Now! ::

After giving out a little agitated sigh he answered. :: I'm on my way. :: After he hung up he looked at Strongarm. "We'll continue this later."

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