"I'm taking you home." He lulls.

Warren's POV

I wanted to punch something. Well, I actually wanted to punch a very specific someone, but I knew Beatrice wouldn't want that.

Right now she's curled up on my passenger's seat, turned away from me looking out at the passing world. The window is partially down and her long brown hair is dancing in the wind.

She doesn't have silky hair, I realise, it's more fluffy and soft, but it doesn't glide like you would expect, it's like it's got is own mind as it is whipped by the wind.

"Is there anyone home?" I ask, trying to speak gently. She turns around to me, her blue-grey eyes boring into my soul. She shakes her head wistfully. And I am immediately frustrated with her family for leaving her vulnerable.

I make the decision to take her back to my house. My mother and scum bag are away on a business trip so they won't bother her.

As we pull up. I look at Beatrice to see that she is breathing evenly and heavily. She's asleep.

I walk around to her side of the car and scoop her small body into her arms. She burrows her head deeper into my chest and my heart flutters with satisfaction. God, I was becoming such a pussy.

I bring her up to my bedroom with ease and place her on my bed. I decide to sleep in the spare bedroom next door, wanting to give her her space, but as I'm just about to move away from her I feel a small hand tug on my wrist.

I turn around and see the most heart- breakingly desperate eyes I have ever seen.
"Stay" Beatrice breathes and pulls me towards the bed.

I kick off my shoes and slowly slide under the covers of my King-sized bed. I stay as far away as possible, my heart is threatening to break out of my ribcage even though I am still on the opposite side of the bed.

She turns her whole body around to face me, wresting her face on her hand.

"He wasn't always like this, you know?" She begins wistfully, "I'm not stupid, I would never have involved myself with him if he was."

She takes a deep sigh and I nod at her, letting her know that she can speak to me, and to my surprise she does.

"We met when I was 15 and he was there for me my when my brother-" she paused and looked at me unsure, "-when I was in a bad place. I ended up falling for him. And it was the best. He was all I could think about and when I was with him, just talking, I felt like it was all I could ever need." I feel the ache of jealousy in my chest but I let her continue.

"But his Sister died in a car crash." I take an inconspicuous intake of breath, I knew what that did to a person. "He couldn't cope with the pain and he turned into someone I didn't recognise. I wanted to be there for him, I wanted to stick by him so badly. And I did."

I can feel my whole body tense as her eyes flash with fear. "One night I was with him, comforting him, and I told him it wasn't his fault and he just.... Switched. He accused me of blaming her, he told me I was not worthy to say her name, he told me I would never be as good as she was and he..." She swallows a loud swallow and regains he breath.

I found her hand under the covers and allow her hand to be swallowed by mine. She still has her eyes closed when she says.
"He got so angry that he... He broke my arm." I squeezed her hand.

I was so angry, I wanted to scream and punch. I wanted to find Ethan and I wanted to break his arm.

"Obviously, after that I left, I knew it was toxic." She looked down to the bed, refusing to meet my eyes, I finished it for her.

"And he hasn't left you alone."

She nods.

"He's not going to come anywhere near you again, I swear." I say matter-of-factly, but she looks up in panic and shakes her head energetically.

"No Warren. I don't want you getting involved with this." She says, and I feel happy that she worries about me, despite the pressing situation.

"Tough shit." I announce before releasing her hand and pretending to fall asleep.

She chuckles and I cannot help but smile because I can't believe that I'm the one who caused that.

"Night Warren." She sighs.

"Night Bea." I breathe, and she doesn't protest.

Beatrice's POV

I wake up and I feel so at ease. I remember everything from yesterday clearly but I feel oddly okay with it.

There is a warm scent of aftershave and fresh linen engulfing my whole body. The room which I am currently in is being bathed in a nice warm light shining through the closed curtains.

I'm suddenly pulled out of my reverie as something across my torso tugs at me. I look down and see a muscled arm draped over me. Great.

I try to pull away but I'm held down firmly. Desperate to get away for my morning pee I grab a nearby pillow and recall how quickly Becca got up when I used this method.

I fling it behind my head and the response is a loud grunt and the arm slackening. I take the opportunity and slide out of his grip, jumping up to a stand.

Taking advantage of his confusion and his sleepy state I fisted the foot of the covers and whipped it back. I was very surprised to see that at some point he has taking off of his jeans from the party and was now only wearing underwear. I was even more surprised to see that there was a large protrusion coming from that underwear.

I squealed and covered my eyes.
"What the hell Warren?!" I shouted. His eyes widened in shock and he grabbed a pillow, covering his crotch with it.
"It's entirely normal! I can't help it!" He defended himself.

I fell on the floor laughing, grabbing my stomach. He was groaning in embarrassment but I could hear the hint of amusement behind it. In that moment, all of the troubles from last night were forgotten.


Got a bit of Warren-Bea bonding in here! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

There will be more news revealed about Warren very soon as well!

Please please PLEASE let me know what sort of thing you would like to happen in this book.
Much love to all of you stubborn people putting up with my horrid writing!

Raining on the Bad Boy Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant